A gem is not only a decoration. Stones have strength and energy, healing and magical, they can serve their owner and protect him. Therefore, it is very important to choose your gemstone correctly.

We are talking about natural jewelry, not synthetic fakes. Here are some tips for choosing gemstones as a talisman:
• Don't buy jewelry from pawnshops. Gems tend to store information. Passing through the hands of others, they accumulate their negative. Do I need to wear this on myself?
• It is good if the stone is inherited or presented as a gift.
• A new gem should be cleaned under running water or placed briefly in sunlight. You can wrap it in a handkerchief and put it in the freezer for a few hours.
• Your precious stone will immediately attract your attention, you will want to take it in your hands. Listen only to your intuition. Do not succumb to the persuasion of a friend that "this jewel is more expensive." You choose the decoration for yourself.
• Sometimes it is advised to choose stones according to the signs of the zodiac. I don't think this is the correct method. Of course, you can listen to the recommendations, but first of all, listen to yourself. Choose a jewel with which you feel a kinship.
• After selecting a stone, "tune" it. Hold it in your hand, think about something good, convey love and bright, joyful feelings to him. The stone will remember your optimistic, healthy attitude and in the future, in difficult times, it will share positive with you.
If you were able to choose your precious stone correctly, it will definitely become your real friend and amulet.