The opportunity to prepare for unpleasant events in life, to learn in advance about the impending dangers has always been appreciated by people, because it gives a chance not only to mentally prepare for a meeting with troubles, but also to avoid them. No wonder they say: "Forewarned is forearmed." Since ancient times, people have resorted to astrology to determine dangerous days. How can you determine an unfavorable day using the stars?

Step 1
In fact, there are many ways to calculate dangerous days. Some of them are more popular and considered more reliable, some less. Let us dwell on the generally accepted calculation options. It should be noted right away that if you need to calculate personal dangerous days as accurately as possible, the solution will be to draw up a natal astrological chart, taking into account all the details of your birth and life stages. Only in this way it will be possible with high accuracy to identify dangerous days for each specific person. It is very problematic to make such a calculation yourself, so it is better to contact a professional astrologer.
Step 2
However, there are techniques that allow you to identify unfavorable and dangerous days in general, which will certainly allow you, with the right approach, to avoid unnecessary troubles and stress.
Step 3
First of all, in astrology, the days of eclipses, both solar and lunar ones, are considered dangerous. The days of eclipses are always the most difficult and fraught with dangerous moments of the year, even if the eclipse is partial - on such a day you should be extremely careful and attentive. You should be prepared for moral discomfort, complications in relationships, as well as very real dangers that you may face.
Step 4
Also, very often the lunar calendar is used to calculate dangerous days. The influence of the Moon and the processes occurring on it has already been confirmed by both many years of research experience and scientific substantiation.
Step 5
Based on the lunar calendar, for each lunar day, a forecast is made of a favorable day for certain undertakings. Some days of the lunar calendar are simply dangerous, but again in strictly defined areas. Practical application of the lunar calendar will allow you to avoid many unpleasant and dangerous moments in your life and make it more harmonious.