How To Easily Make A Christmas Tree Bookmark

How To Easily Make A Christmas Tree Bookmark
How To Easily Make A Christmas Tree Bookmark

Do you like reading books? Do you want to create yourself a New Year mood? If you answered "yes" to both questions, urgently start making such a simple and unusual bookmark in the shape of a Christmas tree!

How easy it is to make a bookmark in the shape of a Christmas tree with your own hands
How easy it is to make a bookmark in the shape of a Christmas tree with your own hands

The most reliable way to quickly create yourself a New Year's mood is themed crafts. And not every one of them needs any special skills or abilities. There are many options for very simple crafts that you can do even with children. This cute herringbone-shaped bookmark is one of them.

To make such a bookmark: green, yellow and brown paper, glue, some confetti for decoration.

- Cut a square at least 7 x 7 cm.

How easy it is to make a bookmark in the shape of a Christmas tree with your own hands
How easy it is to make a bookmark in the shape of a Christmas tree with your own hands

- Fold the square diagonally and fold the sharp corners to the middle of the long base (picture 1).

- Fold back the middle of the square, as in picture 2.

- Bend the long sides so that they meet at the ends (points C and B) at one point (A) (pictures 3-5).

- Fold the corners inside the bookmark so that points C and B coincide with point D inside the makeshift envelope.

From a sheet of brown paper, cut a rectangle 1 cm wide and at least 3 cm long. Glue the resulting rectangle from the inside of the bookmark.

Stick confetti. Cut a small star out of yellow paper and stick it on the top of the Christmas tree bookmark.

Use scissors to cut 4-6 small triangles on the sides (see the thin black lines in picture 6) to make the silhouette of the bookmark more like a Christmas tree.

The bookmark is ready!
