Warm, comfortable socks without a seam can be knitted not only with five needles, but also with two. This knitting technique has some advantages - there are no knitting needles that interfere or strive to fall out of the loops.

Unusual socks knitting technique
To knit a sock on two needles, start from the toe, socks are obtained without a seam. Take two threads: working and additional (thin), place the main one on the index finger, and the additional one on the thumb and dial the number of loops equal to ½ of the required one. If on four knitting needles you cast 48 loops (for a large size), then in this case 24 would be enough. Knit incomplete rows, leaving one untied loop in each row on both sides. When 1/3 of the total number of stitches are knitted on the knitting needle, start the opposite action, lengthen the rows, knitting the left loops one by one. To prevent holes from forming diagonally, grab the broaches with the loop.
Having finished knitting the toe, remove the additional thread, type the opened loops on the third needle. Hold two knitting needles in your left hand, with the right needle knit a loop from the front panel of the front one, remove from the back knitting needles without knitting, the thread should be in front of the work. Knit to end of row, alternating stitches. Purl the last loop. Set one loose needle aside until you need it. Expand the work - the loops that were removed not tied, knit with the front ones, the front ones - remove. It is very important that the thread is before work, then the broaches will pass through the wrong side of the product. You should have something like a pipe.
Having knitted the desired length, proceed to knitting the heel. Remove the loops of the upper panel with an additional needle and for now leave, on the lower panel, perform the heel in the same way as the toe. After completing the heel, knit a few rows of tubing in stocking and move on to a 2x2 elastic.
Start the row with the purl loop, remove the second, knit the third with the purl, remove the loop again, then the front loop goes, 1 is removed, the next one is knitted with the front loop. After tying the desired height, close the loops, pulling them harder so that the elastic is not tightly tightened. The socks are ready. But this is not the only way to knit socks with two needles.
The easy way to knit socks on two needles
You can knit socks in another way, starting traditionally with an elastic band. Cast on half of the desired number of loops, tie a flat fabric with a 1x1 elastic band of the required length and go to hosiery. Knit a few rows and start knitting the heel. To do this, gradually close the hinges on both sides. When the third part of the dialed amount remains on the knitting needle, begin to form the heel - add loops, knitting them from the edge broaches of the knitted rows. Continue working until the original number of stitches is on the needle.
Next, knit the sole to the toe, knit it in the same way as the heel. The next step is knitting the top. After knitting the row to the end with the last loop, grab the hem of the bottom of the sock. Knit the outer fabric while joining it to the sole. After tying the elastic, close the loops. Close the end of the thread on the wrong side.