Such a pencil case will allow you to carefully store cosmetic brushes or conveniently carry numerous pencils and pens with you. And it's extremely easy to sew it!

Choosing a material for sewing a pencil case
If you know how to work with leather, choose thick natural or artificial leather, if you do not have such skills - any thick cotton or blended fabric, felt will be the best choice.
By the way, in almost every home you can find a piece of tapestry, flax, old denim things. They are perfect for such a craft.
Also, to create a pencil case, you will need 20-50 cm of narrow braid or tape, thread, scissors, a ruler, paper for patterns.
The order of sewing the pencil case
1. Determine the size of the future craft. To do this, take a newspaper sheet, cut a rectangle out of it, put it in front of you and bend the lower third (or even 2/5) to get a pencil case model as in the photo below. Using a pencil, mark the approximate number of pencil case pockets.
Consider what (brushes, crayons and pens, cosmetic pencils, etc.) you will store this way. Determine the number of items you need to put in the pencil case and adjust the size based on this information.

2. Using the template you created, cut a rectangle out of the fabric. Remember to add 1 to 2 cm for the hem on each side.
3. Hem the edges of the fabric. Fold the resulting flap as shown in the photo, bending a third of the width. Make straight stitches by dividing the pencil case into pockets.
4. Sew two pieces of tape or ribbon to the middle of one side of the pencil case.
Helpful advice: sew several of these organizers of different sizes, because it is convenient to store and transport completely different things in them - from pencils and felt-tip pens to forks, spoons and knives, and even many construction tools.