The player in Minecraft throughout the gameplay is constantly surrounded by various creatures - mobs. They can provide valuable resources for food or for crafting important items, bring joy, or try to take life. At the same time, any creatures - both hostile, friendly, and neutral - are united by one thing: they, unlike the player, have no names. However, there is an opportunity to correct such injustice.

Purpose of the tag and its receipt without mods
The player will be able to come up with a nickname for any creatures encountered during gameplay (with the exception of the Ender dragon) and assign them to specific mobs if he has the required number of tags (also called shortcuts) at hand. True, for the implementation of such an intention, an anvil will also be needed, since it is there that the renaming of various objects, including the above, takes place.
Such actions in certain situations turn out to be not just a whim of the gamer. If a friendly mob is renamed, then a dozen health hearts will be added to it, which is especially valuable in the case, for example, with a horse, on which the player moves around the virtual space of Minecraft, and also fights with various monsters.
Therefore, although the tag is not as important as rare expensive materials (such as diamonds or emeralds), its value is still obvious. Meanwhile, in the standard version of the game, it is considered an irreplaceable resource. Crafting is not possible. It will be possible to get it only by chance - if you fish it with a bait or find it in one of the natural structures (like mines or treasuries). Therefore, those who wish to have the required number of shortcuts should install one of the appropriate mods.
Mods that allow crafting tags
Name Tags Craft Mod is especially simple in this regard. If searches in the treasuries and sitting by the ponds with a fishing rod did not lead to the appearance of a tag in the inventory, and you really want to get such an item, you should install the above mod. With it, it is the recipe for crafting a shortcut that is added.
This requires only two types of resources - threads and leather. The latter, as many experienced players probably know, can be obtained by killing horses or any cows (ordinary or mushroom). Leather drops out after them as loot. Threads are obtained from sheep's wool or from spider webs. You can also get them by killing the spider.
Crafting a shortcut is pretty straightforward. Place a thread in the center slot of the workbench, and place a piece of leather directly under it. Now the gamer, after creating a sufficient number of such items, will be able to give a name to all the mobs that he just wishes not to leave nameless.
An interesting plugin UnCraftables promises the creation of many things that were considered irreplaceable resources in ordinary Minecraft. There is also a tag recipe here, but it will require slightly more valuable materials than in the Name Tags Craft Mod. In the middle vertical row of the workbench, you need to place (from top to bottom) a thread, an emerald and a sandstone slab.
The latter is crafted from sandstone. For this, three of its blocks must be placed in the lower horizontal row of the machine. However, such a resource should also be first obtained in the inventory. Sandstone is made from four sand blocks arranged in a crafting grid in the form of a square.
There are several mods that offer tags exclusively for horses. So, in Horse Accessories, a gamer can create a whole horse harness that allows you to protect a horse in battle. The tag is made here as follows. An emerald is placed in the center of the workbench, two iron ingots on either side of it, and a piece of leather right below it.
It is a little easier to craft a tag with the Craftable Horse Armor mod. In the recipe available there, it is indicated that in the right and central cells of the upper row of the workbench you need to put a couple of paper sheets (obtained from reeds), and to the left of them and in the left slot of the middle row - the same number of threads. Moreover, in this case, the player will get as many as two tags in his inventory.