Among other military-applied types of games that are played in real time and space, laser tag stands out for its features and equipment. Laser tag does not require serious protective equipment and is considered one of the most harmless games, since it is very difficult to get injured here.

Laser tag: game features
Another name for this game is laser paintball. All players are equipped with sensors and beam weapons. The goal of the game is to hit the enemy's sensors with an infrared beam that is emitted by the weapon. When hitting the sensor, there is no physical sensation. Just one hit on the target will not be fatal. The critical hit count is software configurable.
Game blasters can be assigned different damaging effects. You can also choose the degree of armor protection and the amount of "health". When the beam hits the sensor, a sound signal is heard, and a certain amount of "health" is removed from the affected player. When this vital resource is exhausted, the player's blaster is turned off, he goes into the category of "killed".
There are two types of this game: indoor and outdoor laser tag. In the first case, the sensors are built in with a special vest. For this reason, the player is somewhat limited in his actions; he should not lie down and run, and should also avoid direct collisions with rivals. The arena-type game is played in a room resembling a labyrinth. Outdoor laser tag gives players more freedom of action. In this version of the game, the sensors are usually attached only to the headband.
Laser tag equipment
A set of laser tag equipment includes:
- radio point;
- a computer;
- software;
- sensors;
- weapon.
The radio point is an element necessary for the coordinated operation of the entire game system. You can increase the playing area by combining several radio points. Laser tag software is purchased with radio stations or downloaded from the equipment manufacturer's website.
Players pay special attention to the choice of weapons. This piece of play equipment is often the most expensive. There are many types of laser tag weapons, stylized as real or fantastic designs. Russian players highly value blasters, which are imitations of a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Game organizers usually purchase a set of weapons and the required number of targets. Blasters require zeroing and adjustment of parameters.
Features of the game of laser tag
A variety of scenarios can be used during the game:
- capture of enemy territory;
- hostage rescue operation;
- destruction of the enemy on its territory;
- capture and retention of control points.
If desired, the number of such missions can be expanded to infinity.
The difference between laser tag and other war games
Laser tag differs from other military-applied games, the most popular of which are the following:
- airsoft;
- paintball;
- hardball.
The peculiarity of airsoft is that they try to carefully copy the equipment, uniforms and weapons of the world's elite military units. Shooting at the enemy is carried out with plastic balls. These projectiles are accelerated to high speed using the energy of compressed air. The firing range in airsoft can reach several tens of meters. The cost per shot is very low. A ball hit from close range can be very painful, but at the end, the hit is almost not felt. Equipment rental in this type of game is not very common, so airsoft is by no means a cheap entertainment. The advantages of this game: the authenticity of the weaponry and the ability to conduct defensive fire. The game requires special polygons, where the appearance of unauthorized persons will be completely excluded.
In paintball, shooting is carried out with special balls filled with a dye. This paint is completely safe for the environment and the health of the players. Compressed air, carbon dioxide or nitrogen are used to produce a "shot" from a marker weapon. A special mask is required to protect the player from being hit by such a projectile in the face. The firing range is also several tens of meters. Even at the end of the ball, if it hits the body, it can cause pain to the player. The use of paint makes paintball a very entertaining type of game: the effectiveness of a hit can be assessed instantly. There is also a minus: after the end of each game, the traces of the paint ball must be removed. The cost of a paintball shot is comparatively high. For the game, fenced areas are usually equipped. In Russia, paintball competitions are often used to raise the "corporate spirit" of company employees: participation in such a joint "battle" contributes to team building.
Hardball is considered the most traumatic form of war games. For shooting in this case, lead bullets or steel balls are used. These projectiles are propelled by compressed air or spring action. The hit can be painful at any distance. Hardball requires special protection in the form of a face mask, a scarf for the neck. Players try to protect other parts of the body tightly as well. The firing range is much longer than when playing airsoft and paintball, but shorter than in laser tag. This game is considered the least common in the family of military-applied entertainment.
The main distinguishing feature of laser tag is that shooting here is carried out with a coded light signal. No special body protection is needed. In some cases it is recommended to use goggles to protect the eyes; they apply if the game is played using military infrared laser models. The cost of one shot is practically zero. The shot range can reach two hundred meters in bright sun; in normal weather, the hitting distance is much higher - up to half a kilometer. The safety of the laser tag is beyond doubt: the player is only guided by a beam of light, which is fixed by a sensor.
Delays when shooting in laser tag are excluded. Blasters fire quickly and accurately. When playing laser tag in an open area, the negative influence of the wind is excluded. The number of hits is automatically recorded: if a player has only five "lives", then it will take exactly five times to hit him. If desired, the weapon can be easily reprogrammed: change the range of destruction, add the number of charges, adjust the number of "lives".
The disadvantages of laser tag include the fact that the combat beam of the blaster is not capable of overcoming obstacles: it is quite possible to cover the laser with foliage or hands. The sound of a shot is provided, but it is impossible to understand the direction of movement of the "bullet" by sound. Hits into the elements of the environment (shelters, trees, walls of houses, etc.) are also not recorded.
Laser tag has found application not only in the field of sports and entertainment. It is successfully used for training by soldiers of special units in many countries of the world. In this game, you can easily turn combat weapons into training weapons. This game is probably one of the most effective and safest ways to practice tactics and form the coherence of combat units. There are models of game weapons in which it is possible to simulate the replacement of magazines with cartridges. This gives the game a special realism.