Drawing dishes is not only interesting, but also useful. Cups, glasses, ladles have a fairly simple shape, which allows even a not very experienced artist to cope with the task. At the same time, it is when drawing dishes that it is easiest to master the laws of perspective, which will certainly come in handy in the future.

Which saucepan to choose
Pots come in different shapes. Some of them are so low and wide that they look more like a frying pan. There are saucepans that expand upward. But to begin with, it is best to try to depict a tall cylindrical pan, with or without a lid. For work you need a sheet of A4 paper and a pencil. Convenient when you have two pencils at hand - hard and sharpened and soft. The first is needed for the auxiliary lines, and the second does the rest. The most common paper from the album will do. But you can take paper for watercolors, and paper wallpaper, and even colored paper (if, for example, you intend to draw a pan with a white pencil or wax crayon).
"Skeleton" pans
To better navigate the sheet, draw a vertical line in the middle. Mark the height of the pan on it. Draw perpendiculars to both marks in both directions. These will be the axes of the bottom and top cover. The "skeleton" of your saucepan is ready.
Ovals and ribs
You may have noticed that the circle, when viewed from an angle, appears to be an oval. You have to draw two identical ovals. You already have their long axes. The upper oval can be drawn with a line of equal thickness. At the bottom, the front part can be outlined with a thicker line, the back - thin and barely noticeable, since it should not be visible in the finished drawing. You now have the bottom of the saucepan and the outline of the top. Connect the extreme points of both axes in pairs with parallel lines.
Cover and handles
To make the lid, draw another arc above the back of the upper oval. It is more convex, but at the same time smoothly passes into a line passing closer to the viewer. At the highest point, draw a small oval with a horizontal long axis - the handle by which the hostess takes the lid. Remove excess lines. The shape of the cover can be emphasized with a line parallel to the back outline. This line should be thinner. Draw the handles - two arcs on the sides of the saucepan. You can draw them as parallel arcs.
Transfer the shape of the saucepan
The easiest way to convey the shape of a cylindrical object is by hatching. There are two possible ways. You can, for example, overlay vertical strokes parallel to the edges. There are no lines in the middle, and the closer to the edge, the denser the strokes are. The second option is arcuate strokes running parallel to the front of the oval. Just as in the first case, they will be thicker and thicker at the lateral contour lines. In exactly the same way, you can draw a pan with charcoal, wax crayons, sanguine.