Crafts From Glass Bottles

Crafts From Glass Bottles
Crafts From Glass Bottles

Glass bottles do not always have to be sent to the trash can, they can be used to make items for interior decoration, exterior and toys for children. The container only needs to be removed from the labels and washed thoroughly.

Crafts from glass bottles
Crafts from glass bottles

Stores abound with all sorts of interior decor elements, but you can make them yourself without spending a penny.

DIY glass vase

A vase that can be made from a glass bottle will never hurt in the room. This will require: lace fabric, nail polish and contact glue. The bottle should be wrapped in lace, reinforcing the edges of the canvas with glue.

The second option for making a vase involves applying patterns to the surface of the bottle using PVA glue. After that, the container should be carefully applied to the semolina, laid out in advance on the table. Once the glue is dry, the surface of the bottle should be covered with hairspray and any varnish for dyeing wood.

The vase can contain flowers inside. To make such a craft, you should use a transparent glass bottle, put a composition of artificial flowers in it and fill it with water, then you need to screw the lid as tightly as possible and cover the neck with a cloth, wrapping it with bright tape.

Glass bottle decor

For work, you should prepare glass containers, cereals of various colors and a watering can, the last of which is to be used for filling the cereals, their adjacent layers should contrast in color. As you fill the bottle, you can tilt it a little to make the layers uneven and artistic. Layers of cereals can be alternated with beans and green peas. The neck can be sealed with a champagne cork, which can be previously painted in an unusual color with acrylic paints. The top of the bottle can often be decorated with burlap and braid, wrapping the first around the neck, and the second by strengthening the material.

Fun for children

Unnecessary bottles can also be used to make a xylophone, the process will also interest kids. It will be necessary to prepare 7 bottles (according to the number of notes), they need to be arranged in a row and pour water. The first bottle should be filled 1 cm with liquid, the next one should be filled with a little more water, etc. In order to extract sounds from a "musical instrument", it will be necessary to use a metal stick.

Exterior solutions from bottles

Glass waste containers can act as pots for climbing plants. For the bottle, you first need to create a wire basket, which will allow you to strengthen the craft on tree branches. After that, you should pour earth into the bottle, throw plant seeds, water them and cover them with another layer of earth. After the plants sprout, the sprouts will tend to the neck, and then they will gracefully hang down.