Exercise "Glass Of Water" To Help Solve Problems

Exercise "Glass Of Water" To Help Solve Problems
Exercise "Glass Of Water" To Help Solve Problems

Table of contents:


There are situations when a certain key moment, the necessary information, is not enough to solve any problems. To get this information, you need to listen to your intuition. Exercise with a glass of water according to the Jose Silva method will help to turn on your intuition to solve the issue that is bothering you.

The exercise
The exercise

It is necessary

  • - glass of water;
  • - the mood for good luck.


Step 1

The essence of this exercise is as follows:

Before going to bed, take a simple glass and fill it with water. Then close your eyes, lift them slightly upward and drink ½ of the glass of water while saying these lines to yourself: "This is all I have to do to find a solution to the problem I am thinking."

Step 2

Then put the glass next to the bed and go to bed.

Step 3

As soon as you wake up in the morning, close your eyes again, lift them up a little and drink the rest of the water while saying the following lines: "This is all I should do to find a solution to the problem I am thinking."

Step 4

After this exercise, no matter when you wake up, in the morning or at night, you will remember the dream perfectly. This dream will carry information that will help you find a solution to the problem. On the same day, any event, meeting, meeting may occur, which will carry the answers to the solution of your problem.

Step 5

This exercise is very simple. Everything seems so easy that at first it is hard to believe that it can help. However, this technique is actually very effective. Psychologists consider it one of the most amazing techniques of the Silva technique, and everything ingenious, as you know, is simple.

Think - after all, our body is 80% water, and our genetic and subconscious memory knows that everything is born from water.
