In general, the year of the Blue Wood Goat for Aries will be successful. It will be easier for them at work, there will be no difficulties with money, and with close people Aries will be able to achieve mutual understanding.

The stars advise Aries to be attentive during the solar eclipse, which will take place on March 20th and September 13th. At this time, there is a high probability that the representatives of this sign will be quick-tempered and unmotivatedly aggressive. Health problems can be added to this.
Aries financial horoscope for 2015
The year will bring a lot of work, which will delight Aries. Many representatives of this sign will try to combine business and family, as well as the material and spiritual aspects of life.
Financial issues will be dealt with mainly in the winter months. During this period, Aries will completely immerse themselves in work, and this can negatively affect relationships with loved ones.
Summer will be materially stable. If Aries are planning a job change, then, as the stars recommend, this should be done at the end of August.
Love horoscope
Many Aries dare to make a marriage proposal to the subject of their adoration. With the arrival of spring, representatives of this zodiac sign will begin to conquer the hearts of people around them.
The stars advise Aries to curb their emotionality and refrain from rash acts. For example, from such as breaking up a long-term relationship.
Aries health horoscope
Aries' well-being will improve compared to last year. It is important to learn how to take breaks from work and get timely rest. Restless Aries tend to overload themselves with vigorous activity and get stress, in connection with which they have health problems.
The most vulnerable will be the bronchi and lungs. In the fall, many Aries will experience joint problems. Do not miss visits to the doctor and do not give up on prophylaxis.