Feng Shui masters claim that photographs on the walls in the house serve not only as a decoration or a reminder of any events, but also as a means of distributing energy. To bring harmony to life, you must follow some rules when posting photos in your home.

Photos can help strengthen family relationships. To do this, shared photos can be placed in the living room or another room in which family members spend time together. It is important that the people in the photographs look happy. According to Feng Shui, the wood element helps to stabilize relationships, so it is advisable to place images in wooden frames. It is better to place family photos in the eastern part, because this is the family sector.
To strengthen marital relations in the bedroom, you can hang a photo depicting both spouses looking at each other, while they must be smiling and happy. Frames for such photographs can be made of stone, marble, crystals.
To raise self-esteem, you can place your favorite photo in the hallway or in the southern sector of the house.
Feng Shui experts recommend placing images of you in a circle of friends inserted into metal frames in the dining room. This will help to improve companionship, attract the attention of your comrades to you.
Working photos in glass or mirrored frames can help build a career or business. To do this, they need to be placed in the home office or in the northern part of the house.