Books by J. D. R. Tolkien has gone through many editions. They were illustrated by different artists, so the hobbits in different editions are very different from each other. However, there are some common features - small stature and hairy legs. You can come up with your own hobbit, not like other illustrators.

The hobbit looks like a man
The hobbit is very similar to a person, it's just that he is much smaller, it's not for nothing that he is called a halfling. But the proportions of his body are not like that of a child, but like that of an adult, that is, the height of the head is from 1/6 to 1/8 of the body. Hobbits are engaged in a variety of things - they can sit in a chair and drink tea, ride a pony, plant flowers, sleep. But the brightest moment in the life of the hero of a popular book is the battle. You can draw a halfling during a great battle.
Lay the sheet upright. Draw an uneven horizontal or oblique line a short distance from the bottom edge of the sheet. From its middle, draw an oblique line up and to the left at an angle of approximately 75 ° to the horizontal. Mark the height of the hobbit on it. Set aside about 1/8 of the total length from the top mark. Through this new point, draw a line of the shoulders to the right, it can be horizontal or go at a slight slope. Mark on this line the width of your torso and shoulder. From the intersection point, sketch out the direction of the arm farther from the viewer. In it, your hobbit will hold a sword.
Face and body contours
Add guidelines for the head. It is almost oval in the hobbit, slightly tapering towards the chin. As for the body, it is more convenient to start drawing this part of the figure from general outlines, and not to build each detail separately. In battle, the hobbit is wrapped in a cloak that can take on the most bizarre forms. Draw a horizontal wavy line above the line of stones - the bottom edge of the cloak. Waves can be of different sizes. Outline the back. This is a wide and not particularly straight arc. Draw the outer outline of the hand holding the sword. This is also a wide arc, the convex part of which "looks" towards the sword.
Smaller details
Draw a line of hair. It goes in a zigzag fashion. Some strands may be longer than others, since the hobbit moves very quickly. On the chest, draw the clutch of the cloak - an arc under the chin. Draw the outline of the sword. It is a very long diamond. The Hobbit holds it in his fist. Accordingly, the hand looks like a circle.
Face, patterns and folds
Draw the face of the hobbit. The eye closer to the viewer is an oval with a long horizontal axis. Inside it is a circle, completely shaded. The second eye may not be fully visible. For example, some of it may be hidden under a lock of hair. The nose is a short arch, the convex part of which is directed downward. The lips are oval with jagged edges. Draw the folds of the cloak. They can be positioned in different ways. For example, in the form of several parallel arches on the chest. The rest of the folds are best conveyed with short, vertical wavy lines. Draw the sword blade and intricate hilt. Draw the outlines of the fingers. The rest of the details are conveyed using strokes and spots in random order. The more such strokes, the more natural the drawing will look.