Sewing a full-fledged fur product is very difficult. Fur sewing is done by furriers, and special furrier machines are used for sewing. But small pieces can be sewn by hand at home. When working with fur, it is advisable to wear a gauze bandage, since the pile will in any case be trimmed and its particles can enter the respiratory tract.

It is necessary
comb, scissors, sewing machine, fur thread, fur needles
Step 1
Match the size and texture of the fur. Comb the fur well with a dog / cat comb available from the pet store.
Step 2
Trim the edges neatly to smooth or reshape if necessary. Cut and trim the pieces with a blade, fine nail scissors or a medical scalpel. Cut so as to minimize the amount of pile damage.
Step 3
Place the pieces on the pattern in the right order to create the desired shape. When sewing, take them one at a time and you will see in which order to sew.
Step 4
Prepare needles: for thin, soft leather, # 1 or # 3; if the skin is dense and tough, then buy special needles for fur and leather. Be sure to use a thimble that fits your size.
Step 5
Use special thread for sewing fur and leather. If not found, then choose not too strong, so that the thread breaks first under load, and not the skin. You can use silk threads, they do not tighten the villi into the seam.
Step 6
To sew with a hand furrier stitch, you need to fold the pieces with the fibers inward, carefully tuck the fibers inward and stitch with an overcast seam without tightening the thread too much. Grab the skin by 1, 5-2 mm and make about the same distance between adjacent punctures. It is very important in this case - inject the needle into each hole twice, that is, the seam turns out to be double. Double stitching gives strength without tightening and guarantees the preservation of the seam for some time if the thread breaks in some place.
Step 7
After sewing each piece, unfold the seam, it should become flat, end-to-end when unfolding. After unrolling, smooth each seam with a thimble and carefully pull out the tightened fibers, if any.
Step 8
To sew a blanket from pieces of natural fur, use a sewing machine with a wide zigzag stitch. If the skin is soft and thin enough, then it will be possible to do this.