In modern chess, 6 types of pieces are used, which both opponents have, with one playing with white pieces, and the other with black ones. Each figure has its own name and move rules. Chess is one of the most difficult and oldest games known to mankind. Its formation took centuries, because it is known that initially they played with grains and clay balls, only in the Middle Ages those figures that are known to modern times took shape.

Step 1
Each of the players in the arsenal has 16 figures: king, queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights and eight pawns, located in a different way on the field and having a different trajectory of movement.
Step 2
The King is the most important figure, for which, in fact, the battle is being fought. When the opponent's king is defeated, checkmate comes, the end of the game. This figure is the only one of all, for its salvation, can participate in castling (moving to a safe place for itself).
Step 3
Queen (Queen) - the chess queen, the most mobile and strong piece, which has great opportunities. He can simultaneously make moves up and down, left and right; along the white and black diagonals. He belongs to the number of "heavy pieces", his place on the board next to the king in the middle of the protective field. Outwardly, the queen usually looks like a king, but a little lower and the top is crowned with a small ball.
Step 4
Rook - moves only with horizontal and vertical steps, but only if there are no obstacles. Can cut all pieces except the king. A chess player starts with two rooks, which are placed at the edges of the field. Rook is also called "Officer", because she is called upon to protect the royal couple.
Step 5
The bishop, like the rook, is a pair, it belongs to the category of "minor pieces". It is interesting that the chess players owe the appearance of this figure to the Catholic priests, who were carried away by the game. Today, the elephant is most often depicted as a low tower with a drop pointed upwards, reminiscent of the robe of a Catholic monk.
Step 6
The Knight is a unique piece on the field that can only move with the letter "L" and jump over other pieces, hence the name of the jumping figure. Place them next to the rooks. The figure resembles the head of a horse.
Step 7
Pawn (Pawn) - a bargaining figure - a soldier on the field. Initially, each player is given 8 pawns, which opens the game. The pawn has the simplest trajectory and can only cut the opponent obliquely. Despite their small size, pawns perform an important defensive function in the game. If in the competition this piece reaches the final line, then it transforms into another, into the one that the chess player wants - into a queen, rook, bishop or knight, but not into a king.