Everyone knows the famous Disney cartoon about the sleeping beauty. You don't have to be a born artist to paint Princess Aurora. All you need is a sketchbook, pencil and eraser.

It is necessary
- -simple pencil
- -eraser
- - album sheet
- -colors or colored pencils
Step 1
Start drawing Princess Aurora with a pencil sketch. In the middle of the leaf, draw an oval shaped like an inverted chicken egg. Add a smooth shoulder line at the bottom.

Step 2
Divide the face oval with a horizontal line in the middle. Then, draw a vertical straight line from the top to the bottom, it should be slightly to the right of the center. Draw the line for the eyes, nose and mouth.

Step 3
Aurora's hair is lush. Draw a volumetric outline just above the head.

Step 4
At the top, draw a pointed crown. Also add the outlines of the background hair. They should be smooth.

Step 5
Find a horizontal line. Draw two small flattened circles on it. These will be the eyes.

Step 6
Draw the eyes in more detail: add the pupils, eyelids and eyelashes. Draw eyebrows just above the eyes. They should be thick and bend smoothly towards the eyes (downward).

Step 7
Draw the nose. It starts from the right eyebrow and curves downward. Don't forget to add the mouth as well. Draw it in more detail. Add voluminous upper and lower lip.

Step 8
Work on Aurora's bangs. Add curls to it, note that one of the curls should be facing up. Draw in more detail on the strands.

Step 9
Work on the smooth lines of the face. Add cheekbones and chin.

Step 10
Draw small details in the crown. Add a collar to the shoulder line.

Step 11
Erase the extra lines and paint Princess Aurora in vibrant colors.