How To Restore The Work Of The Reflector Yourself

How To Restore The Work Of The Reflector Yourself
How To Restore The Work Of The Reflector Yourself

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During the operation of the car, they inevitably wear out and require repair or replacement of its parts and assemblies. Lighting devices are no exception. The most common wear is on the headlight reflector coating. Of course, the easiest way is to purchase new reflectors, but you can restore them yourself.

How to restore a reflector
How to restore a reflector

It is necessary

  • - chrome film;
  • - masking tape;
  • - stationery knife;
  • - glue;
  • - a can of paint.


Step 1

Purchase or prepare a chrome wrap. A good option here would be Oracal film # 351, which has a special chrome coating. Carefully remove the headlight of your car, disassemble it sequentially in order to have full access to the reflector, which requires replacement. Remember, this is a rather laborious task, since, firstly, the car headlight is stuffed with all kinds of wires, which in no case should you damage, and, secondly, the reflector is fixed tightly enough in it. To remove it, you need to pick up the cover with an ordinary screwdriver.

Step 2

Using scissors, cut out small elements from the prepared chrome film, which will completely repeat the surface of the inner part of the reflector. To do this, it is best to initially cut out a large part and, already in the process, adjust it to the existing reflector.

Step 3

For convenience, you can initially make a so-called "pattern" from ordinary masking tape, and then transfer the sample to the film and cut it out.

Step 4

Take the prepared film and stick it neatly on the inner surface of your reflector. Smooth it so that it is firmly glued on all sides.

Step 5

Assemble the headlight properly and put it back in its place in the vehicle.

Step 6

Attention! If it is necessary to restore the inoperative back part of the reflector, this can be done using a special spray of liquid chrome paint. To do this, apply paint to the corrugated surface and wait 15-20 minutes for it to dry.
