The peak of popularity of the singer Danko came at the beginning of the 2000s, when he released the compositions "Moscow Night" and "Baby", which became hits. Since then, the artist's musical career has been in decline for many years. Now Danko is more familiar to the public as a participant in television programs in which he does not hesitate to discuss the problems of his personal life, the details of parting with his common-law wife and the family tragedy associated with the illness of his youngest daughter.

From ballet to music
In ordinary life, the artist's name Danko is Alexander Fadeev. He was born on March 20, 1969 in Moscow. And although his mother worked as a vocal teacher, she dreamed of making her son a ballet star. Therefore, at the age of 10, Alexander entered the choreographic school of the Bolshoi Theater, and after graduation he was among the lucky ones who were honored to dance on one of the best stages in the country. Even during his studies, Fadeev became friends with Sergei Filin. Communication continued later, when both of them were admitted to the Bolshoi Theater.
Unlike Owl, who achieved outstanding success in ballet, the future singer danced mainly in the crowd. But as part of the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, he toured half the world. He devoted 15 years to this profession. Since the age of ballet dancers is not long, Fadeev decided to try his hand at music. Moreover, as a child, he was a soloist in the choir of the Loktev ensemble, and received his first stage performance experience by participating in concerts of his stepfather, the famous bard Alexander Sukhanov.

The popularity of the aspiring singer was brought by cooperation with producer Leonid Gutkin. It was he who invented the original stage name Danko for Fadeev. The artist's debut album, laconically named "Danko", became the most successful in his career, and the songs "Moscow Night" and "Baby" still remain his calling card. Alas, after the expiration of the contract with Gutkin in 2002, the audience did not wait for new bright hits from the performer. All subsequent songs and albums of Danko were inferior in popularity to the very first compositions.

Therefore, the singer decided to focus only on musical creativity. In 2005, he graduated from the correspondence department of GITIS, receiving the specialty of a manager-producer. He played in several popular TV shows and films. The artist also has prominent roles in the theatrical productions Mata Hari and Valmont. Dangerous ties.
Danko's personal life and family tragedy
The artist's personal life has never been characterized by constancy and stability. He did not try to hide numerous novels, gladly telling journalists about them. For example, long before all-Russian fame, the young man met with the actress Vera Sotnikova and lived with the ballerina Alisa Khazanova, the daughter of Gennady Khazanov. In the prime of his solo career, Danko tied the knot with circus artist Tatyana Vorobyova, but the couple's family life lasted only three years and ended in divorce in 2002.
With Natalia Ustyumenko
Then the singer met the model Natalia Ustyumenko. The lovers did not officially formalize the relationship, but decided to have a joint child. In January 2004, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. Danko fully took over the financial support of the heiress. I bought him and my mother an apartment in the center of the capital, paid the girl for circles and extra classes. Natalia did not work, devoting herself to raising a child.

Unfortunately, the artist failed to become an exemplary husband and father. She and Natalia parted several times and converged again. Soon after the birth of his daughter, Danko began an affair with the outrageous singer Lolita Milyavskaya, and he also managed to cheat on his pregnant girlfriend with TV presenter Dana Borisova. Most likely, he had other hobbies that the press does not know about. When Alexander and his common-law wife made another attempt at reconciliation, Ustyumenko became pregnant for the second time. Parents were looking forward to the birth of another baby, but the much-desired happiness turned into a family tragedy.

At a later stage, Natalya began to experience severe bleeding and placental abruption at home. Unfortunately, the ambulance took a very long time, and in the hospital the doctors had to literally fight for the lives of the mother and baby. Agatha, the couple's newborn daughter, was diagnosed with multicystosis of the brain, in which the child has practically no chance of a normal life. According to Danko, the doctors suggested that he and his wife abandon the baby, but they decided not to give up so easily.

The artist spoke about his misfortune in social media, gave many interviews for the press. Since his career was in deep crisis, he did not hesitate to ask for financial help. In addition, caring people gave their grief-stricken parents a lot of useful advice, sharing similar stories with them. Natalia and Danko admitted that this information played an important role in Agatha's rehabilitation.
New love and public criticism
Unfortunately, the couple is unable to completely cure the daughter of the couple. But the girl is already making great strides, which are almost impossible with her diagnosis. Earning money for Agatha's treatment, Danko often took part in various television shows. In one of the programs, they even publicly found out with Natalia whether he is the real father of the second child. Later, the artist admitted that he acted according to the script and in fact never suspected his beloved woman of treason.
However, the public did not long admire the dedication of the former pop star. At the end of 2017, Ustyumenko told Instagram subscribers about the betrayal of her civil husband. According to her, he left the family, leaving the children without a livelihood. A flurry of criticism immediately fell upon the loving man. Danko hastened to assure that he continues to help children. True, she does not see the point in communicating and meeting with her youngest daughter, since Agatha is not able to adequately perceive reality, and she does not even recognize her father.
With Maria Siluyanova
Soon, journalists declassified the artist's new beloved. She turned out to be 30-year-old Maria Siluyanova. The girl works as a DJ and is engaged in design. Together with his new passion, Danko moved to live in Yalta. According to him, the romance with Maria began after breaking up with his wife, and mutual fatigue and cooling of feelings led to the next parting with Natalia. Few believed in the excuse of the loving singer. Fans wish his abandoned wife strength and courage in the struggle for the health of her daughter and hope that Danko will at least be noble enough to regularly help his former family with money.