Zodiac compatibility is a controversial issue. Some treat her with full responsibility, sacredly relying on the horoscope not only in love, but also in everyday matters, while others do not pay attention to her at all. Meanwhile, astrologers assure that the stars still influence the fate of people.

Compatibility horoscope for Aries
In 2015, you will find a rather fruitful cooperation with Aquarius. This sign, like you, loves everything new, so you will be happy to support each other's innovative ideas, especially if you realize that there is personal obvious benefit awaiting you.
You should spend your leisure time and make friends with Libra. You will definitely not get bored with them. This kind of friendship will help you build useful connections. It is with Libra that you can have a passionate romance.
Refrain from communicating with Capricorns. In 2015, they will not be able to meet your expectations. Be careful, Capricorns can fail at the most inopportune moment.
Compatibility horoscope for Taurus
If you want to benefit, spend more time with Pisces. Try to pity them, then they can do everything in their power for you. It is possible that ardent love awaits you with this sign.
Spend your leisure time with Gemini, who can turn it into something fun, easy and very diverse. If possible, avoid dating Cancers. In 2015, they will stick to you and pull energy.
Zodiac Compatibility for Gemini
For business support, contact only the representatives of earth signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo. They can help you out with money and help you decide on new projects.
Stay away from Sagittarius and your fellow zodiacs. In 2015, they can get you in trouble, either for fun or for self-interest.
It makes sense to build a love relationship with Scorpios. Just get ready for the constant competition of the type "who can over-play whom." However, this style of communication has every chance of producing completely unexpected and positive results.

Compatibility horoscope for Cancer
Virgo will be the best advisor and assistant in business for you. Representatives of this zodiac sign will be able to listen, and understand your problem, and provide all possible assistance. However, try to avoid amorous relationships with Virgos, otherwise permanent boredom in the love sphere awaits you.
Make friends with Aquarius. It will be easy for you to talk heart to heart with them, as well as to start a long-term and very beautiful romance.
Compatibility horoscope for Leo
Avoid business and love relationships with Gemini, as nothing good will come of it. They will make your life a mess and get you in trouble. Try to collaborate with Capricorns and Taurus, who can offer you interesting projects.
Make friendships with Aries, Pisces and Lions. Communication with them will be both pleasant and useful. A passionate relationship is possible with Virgo and Libra.
Zodiac Compatibility for Virgo
Try to strike up a partnership with Sagittarius, whose disruptive energy will help you deal with many controversial issues. Spend your leisure time with Aquarius and Gemini. With them, you can find many common topics of conversation.
You'd better fall in love with Lviv and Taurus this year. The second option is preferable if you want to find a "safe haven" rather than a "powder keg". Stay away from Scorpios - communicating with them will not bring any benefit and will not be enjoyable at all.
Compatibility horoscope for Libra
Try to communicate more with Leos, who can help you with your problems, including financial ones. Also, representatives of this sign will surround you with love and care.
Keep your distance from Capricorns. They will not allow you to bring your brilliant ideas to life. Make friends with Gemini and Aries if you need great party company.
Compatibility horoscope for Scorpio
2015 promises you good compatibility with almost all zodiac signs. However, do not spend a lot of time in the company of Lions, which have every chance of causing you a lot of trouble.
Build love with Capricorns and Gemini. A whirlwind romance awaits you with these signs.
Compatibility horoscope for Sagittarius
Make friends and maintain a good relationship with Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus. With them, you can build mutually beneficial business relationships. These signs will balance you, they will not allow you to do stupid things.
Build love with Cancers. Not so bright, but long-term romances await you with them. If you are looking for amorous adventures, fall in love with your fellow zodiac.
Compatibility horoscope for Capricorn
Build business relationships with Gemini. Their ideas will come in handy if you want to get rich. Barter cooperation should be established with Leos, and true friendship with Aquarius. The latter will be able to bring into your life something that has never been in it.
If you want to fall in love, pay attention to Pisces. Cancer is the sign you should stay away from in 2015. You definitely don't need their slowness and reflection.
Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius
In 2015, you are assured of popularity, so you can choose both friends and business partners. You will especially benefit from interacting with Virgo, Capricorn and Aries. They have that core that is not in you. Business relationships with these signs can easily develop into mutually beneficial friendship, albeit short-lived.
Look for love in a relationship with Cancer. A successful union with Aquarius is likely.
Compatibility horoscope for Pisces
Try to be friends with representatives of air signs - Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. They can make your life more fun, enjoyable and easy.
Expect commercial benefits from your relationship with Leo. Friendship with them can please you. Do not write off Taurus, you may have mutual love with some of them. And their many connections will not hurt you.
Scorpios and Sagittarius will become the sources of problems for you in 2015. Stay away from them.