Arrowroot: Home Care

Arrowroot: Home Care
Arrowroot: Home Care

The beautiful arrowroot plant gets its name from the fact that its leaves fold and rise at night. Ktenanta, stromanthus and calathea belong to arrowroots and have a spectacular leaf color and a bright pattern of veins and spots. Caring for arrowroot at home is quite simple if you know a number of rules.

Arrowroot: home care
Arrowroot: home care

The content of arrowroot

Arrowroot is a small plant growing to about 20 centimeters in height. The plant should be kept at a moderate, constant temperature, as sudden changes can damage the flower and kill the arrowroot. In winter, the temperature should not drop below 12 degrees. The ideal place for keeping is a well-lit place, protected from sunlight and in partial shade.

In order to create fabulous conditions for your pet, place the plant pot in a tray, which must be filled with wet moss.

Watering arrowroots

In the warm season, watering arrowroot should be daily, and in winter - as needed. Warm, soft, settled water is best suited for watering.

Do not overfill the soil of the flower and do not let the plant dry out. Do not forget to regularly spray the arrowroot leaves. The yellowish-brown spots that appear on the leaves will tell you about the insufficient amount of moisture.

Transplanting arrowroot

Arrowroot should be transplanted once every 2 years in the spring. To do this, divide the bush of the plant into parts, transplant it into the soil, then cover it with a film and keep it in such a mini-greenhouse until the plant grows roots.

Reproduction of arrowroot

This plant propagates using cuttings, which are obtained as a result of pruning. For grafting, a cutting about 8-10 centimeters in size is used, if it has several internodes and a couple of leaves.

Dip the arrowroot cuttings into the water, then transplant into the prepared soil, cover with a plastic bag, thus creating a mini-greenhouse. Arrowroot should be cut from May to September, since it is at this time that the plant is actively rooting.

Features of caring for arrowroot

When caring for arrowroot, you should pay attention to the following points:

1. Low temperature and excessive soil moisture will make the plant sluggish, and can also provoke rotting of arrowroot roots.

2. Bright light, direct sunlight can damage the delicate leaves of arrowroot and dry out.

3. Excessively dry air can cause the plant to slow down and die.

Take a closer look at your pet: if brown tips form on the leaves, then the room that contains arrowroot is too dry air.