How To Attract A Lot Of Money To Your Home

How To Attract A Lot Of Money To Your Home
How To Attract A Lot Of Money To Your Home

Material wealth, of course, depends on how hard a person works. But besides this, there are some magical rituals that can attract money to the house.

How to attract a lot of money to your home
How to attract a lot of money to your home

To have money at home, you should always cover the dining table with a tablecloth. She, in turn, must be clean, beautiful and new. A bill should always be kept under the tablecloth. The higher the denomination of the bill, the better. If there are containers on the table, then they should not be empty - no flower vases without flowers. If there are vases for fruits, then it is always advisable to have oranges in them - according to Feng Shui, 9 oranges will attract not only money, but also prosperity and happiness. Keys, gloves and hats must not be placed on the table. Crumbs also cannot be swept away with your hands - only with a cloth.

The next important point is cleanliness in the house. Chaos and disorder are the enemies of money. Do a general cleaning, get rid of things that no one uses for years, freshen the air. You will be surprised, but after that financial influences will definitely appear in the family budget. No cobwebs in the corners, mold and mildew in the bathroom or kitchen - only cleanliness, even in hard-to-reach places that no one seems to see. The best way to refresh the air is with the following scents: mint, cinnamon, basil, rosemary or orange.

In order for money to come to the house more often, you do not need to spend the entire salary in full on the day it is received. You should always leave something that will attract finances. Money is best kept at home - a small amount, but always available. It is better to use a beautiful box for storage. Just remember that this money is not for a "rainy day", but only for something pleasant.

It is believed that if you spend everything on payday, new receipts will have to wait a very long time. Therefore, it is recommended not to spend a single penny on payday, but to wait the next day.