Why Is The Cat Dreaming

Why Is The Cat Dreaming
Why Is The Cat Dreaming

It is believed that seeing a cat in a dream is a sign of imminent trouble, activation of the actions of enemies, and tears. The black cat especially falls out of favor.

Why is the cat dreaming
Why is the cat dreaming

The general meaning of sleep about cats

Not everyone dreams of seeing a black cat in a dream. People are sure that black cats do not bode well and are a symbol of failure and misfortune. But this is rather superstition and self-hypnosis. However, it still matters what color of the cat's coat, which you dreamed at night. For example, people usually dream of a black cat on a trip to a sanatorium or on vacation.

This event can become not only a dream, but also a reality, if you carry with you how many fluffs of cat hair.

There is a belief that seeing a cat with light hair is a sign of unhappy thoughts, an internal struggle with oneself, a heaviness on the soul, if you need to make an important decision, then the choice between two evils. In general, a cat in a dream is a torment of the soul. But it is important to realize that a dream can be prophetic, but how soon it will come true depends on when and on what lunar day you saw it.

Interpretations of a dream about a cat according to N. Grishina's dream book

It is very important to remember the dream in all its details, but few can do it. This is of great importance. If you caressed a cat, expect doubts and mistrust in real life, it is also possible that insidious enemies will appear in your life. A cat walking towards you, crossing the road means that you will soon meet with the enemy, and also doubtful relationships, adultery with another man (woman) are possible. If the cat rushes from side to side and meows, this means that you will be asked for help, which will be difficult for you to provide.

It also happens that in a dream you may not see a cat or a cat, but clearly hear her meow. This alignment is interpreted to deceive your personality soon. It is unfavorable if the cat bites you, scratches you - illness, slander, resentment of loved ones in your direction are possible. If in a dream you see how a cat has bitten someone, it means that you harbor a grudge against this person, quarrel with him.

To catch a cat in a dream - to reveal in the future the source of slander, intrigues, to discover hidden enemies behind your back. To see cat games is to reveal the evil intentions of the enemy, a cat fight is to test mental anguish and suffering.

But playing with a cat is a sign of infidelity of loved ones or a friend.

It also happens that in a dream you see a cat with a strange coat color. Such a vision is viewed as a false idea of oneself, a debauchery of the individual.

An unliving cat in a dream is a sign of the departure of an unpleasant person from your environment. If you offend a cat in a dream - these are signs of future torment of conscience. But kittens in a dream do not carry a bad meaning, rather the opposite - to make a profit.