A thoughtless choice of fishing bait can turn the process of fishing into a banal sitting near a pond. The pike has a particularly capricious character, according to experienced fishermen. This predator is so cunning that not every fishing lure can please her.

Step 1
The main pike delicacy at any time and in any body of water, of course, is fish. That is why a bait such as a wobbler, which very clearly and plausibly imitates the appearance and behavior of a potential predator's prey, is considered the most effective. When choosing a wobbler for pike, you should take into account many factors, the most important of which are: the type of reservoir, season, weather conditions and, of course, the predator's taste preferences.
Step 2
The pre-spawning period, which begins in early spring, is characterized by pike passivity. It is unlikely that a sluggish predator will rush in pursuit of a brisk fast prey, so at this time it is better to choose a suspending wobbler with neutral buoyancy. This lure perfectly imitates the movement of small fish and allows you to manipulate it at a low speed.
Step 3
During the period of zhora, after the end of spawning, the lazy bait should be replaced with a more active one. The most attractive for pike at this time are wobblers of the "fat" class, which have a thick drop-shaped body and are equipped with rattles. These lures simulate plump prey and provide excellent vibration, and their dynamic movements can effectively whet the predator's appetite.
Step 4
Before making an attack on prey, the pike estimates its size. As a rule, the predator prefers to attack the prey, the size of which is 10 times less than the length of its own body. So, for fishing with a length of 50-70 cm, a 6-cm wobbler is perfect. However, such a bait is unlikely to interest a meter-long pike.
Step 5
When fishing for pike, it should be borne in mind that the predator is attracted not so much by the shape and size of the bait, but by the nature of its movement in the water column. So, the dream of any predatory fish is weakened prey, so the wobbler used when fishing for pike should have a relatively sluggish game. In some cases, the game of bait is completely inappropriate. Considering this fact, when choosing a lure for pike, one should give preference to suspenders - wobblers with neutral buoyancy and completely freezing in the water column.
Step 6
As for the color of the lure, wobblers of natural colors with ebbs imitating scales have won the greatest popularity among lovers of pike fishing. Light silver lures should be used in clear weather when fishing in clear water in shallow waters. If you decide to fish for pike on a sunny day at a depth, give preference to wobblers in blue shades. In cloudy weather, when fishing for pike, it is advisable to use a golden-colored bait. In muddy water, bright red and fluorescent wobblers show themselves well.