Why Do Dishes Dream

Why Do Dishes Dream
Why Do Dishes Dream

People constantly dream of various dreams, in which there are completely different unexpected things. One of these things is ordinary kitchen utensils.

Why do dishes dream
Why do dishes dream

Why can a person dream of dishes

In a dream, you can see teapots, cups, plates, pots and many more kitchen utensils. In life, dishes are a symbol of home life, everyday chores, reception of guests and a festive feast. The state of the dishes in a dream can signal which stage will come in your life - successful or unsuccessful. Such a dream can manifest future changes in the financial situation.

If the dishes are clean and new, filled with food, prosperity and profit await you, but if the dishes are dirty, broken or empty, a crisis period begins.

Seeing beautiful, clean silver or simple plates in a dream is a good sign, your future is favorable. If the plates break in a dream, luck will not last long. Plates made of clay or porcelain - dream of even, calm well-being, and of gold or silver - to meet a person who will become truly dear to you.

Wooden or steel dishes are a sign of good health.

If a young, unmarried girl dreams of a neat and clean china shop with many beautiful plates, there will be no end to fans in reality. It is possible that soon one of them will propose to seal the relationship by marriage. A dirty dishware store with empty shelves is a harbinger of quarrels, loss of status, worsening financial situation. Certain types of dishes in a dream can have an independent meaning. So, a dream about a clean saucepan - to well-being and prosperity. A pitcher - to an increase in prosperity and material wealth. Cups dream of financial stability. A frying pan is a harbinger of a quarrel. If in a dream in a saucepan or plate food has gone bad, and you dream of its unpleasant smell, a long-forgotten unpleasant business will make itself felt in reality, a meeting with a person you are unsympathetic is possible. Service for several people - to support powerful people. They will have a big impact on your life.

What psychologists say about a dream about dishes

Household utensils in a dream are a sign of the search for comfort and stability. The state of the dishes in a dream reflects the financial condition in the family and your attitude to everyday problems. If you dreamed of dishes in perfect order, you strive for order in everything. Seeing broken dishes is a crisis in family relationships. It is hard for you from family quarrels, you feel tension in relationships with loved ones. Arranging the dishes on the table, setting the table - the desire for order in family affairs, the desire to start a family. Seeing the shelves for dishes empty is mental devastation, lack of support and warmth.
