Pavel Chinarev's Wife: Photo

Pavel Chinarev's Wife: Photo
Pavel Chinarev's Wife: Photo

Pavel Chinarev is a famous Russian actor who has starred in many TV series. He gained his popularity thanks to his participation in the films "The Jackal" and "Doctor Richter", as well as various theatrical performances.

Pavel Chinarev's wife: photo
Pavel Chinarev's wife: photo

Biography of the actor

Pavel Chinarev was born in May 1986 in St. Petersburg. His parents were the most ordinary people with average income and had nothing to do with creativity.

Pavel's interest in art and acting began in childhood. After graduation, he applied to the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg.

Chinarev had a chance to get on the course of Lev Dodin, behind whom there was more than one star of Russian cinema. Later Pavel was transferred to study with Yuri Krasovsky.


After graduating from the Academy, the young man got a job in the theater "Shelter of the Comedian". It was on this stage that the aspiring actor made his debut in the production of Cyrano de Bergerac. After this performance, Pavel began to be invited to other projects, not only to performances, but also to television series and films.

Since 2011, Chinarev has collaborated with several theaters at the same time. And the next place of his work was the Teatr Post theater. The actor has taken part in experimental productions more than once (for example, The Locked Door, directed by Dmitry Volkostrelov, a well-known director in Russian cinema). Then Pavel played in "The Ideal Husband" and "The Karamazovs".

Alena Bondarchuk - the future wife of Pavel

The personal life of Pavel Chinarev is of great interest to the public. But you can find a minimum of information about her, since the artist is carefully hiding from the press.

It is known that his first and only wife is Alena Bondarchuk. The name of Pavel's chosen one miraculously coincided with the name of the famous Russian actress. In addition, the girl is also an aspiring artist.

Alena Bondarchuk was born on March 23, 1985 in the small town of Chaikovsk, located in the Perm region. Alena's childhood was quite difficult, especially considering the area in which she lived. As soon as the girl graduated from school, she immediately left her hometown in search of new prospects. Her goal was to enter the theater institute in Yekaterinburg.


Bondarchuk took part in many theater productions ("Love", "Valentine and Valentine", "5-25", etc.). She combined her work in the theater with her studies. And in 2006, after completing her studies at the university, she finally decided to connect her future with acting.

However, her career was not easy for her. At first, the girl had to play in performances for children, most often it was just fairy tales. During this time, she visited the stage of cities such as Saratov, St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

The actress decided to develop her further career in the capital. It was in Moscow that she had the chance to play in performances not only for children. Her most memorable works were "Lady's Dance", "Masquerade-Masquerade" and "Russian Romance".

Meeting at the Theater Post

In 2011 Alena Bondarchuk got a job at the Theater Post Theater. The troupe was only recently formed and did not have a permanent premises. Performances were staged in many public places, ranging from parks to nightclubs. All these performances were very unusual and experimental.


It was while working at the Post Theater that Alena Bondarchuk met Pavel Chinarev. It was love at first sight. For about 5 years, the lovers lived in a civil marriage, and in June 2016 they decided to formalize their relationship.

The couple often toured the cities of Russia together. At the same time, fans of their work did not even know about the relationship between the artists.


In the photographs posted on the social networks of both actors, one could see both photographs from the wedding and photographs of the pregnant Alena Bondarchuk. Paul wrote that he wanted a son. And his dream really came true. Alena really gave birth to a boy.

Now Pavel continues to perform at the Moscow Art Theater. In the fall of 2017, the series "Doctor Richter" with the participation of Chinarev appeared on the screens. This picture was shot by analogy with the famous "Doctor House", and Pavel plays the role of a neurologist by the name of Yegorshin, whose head is the brilliant doctor Richter performed by Alexei Serebryakov.

While her husband is building a creative career, Alena is raising a child and creating home comfort.
