As you know, the sword is the soul of any samurai. In the modern world, there are many types of swords, it is rather difficult to choose the one that interests you exactly. You can talk endlessly about Japanese katana swords, but when choosing a sword for training, you should not take into account the history of its appearance and the method of use, it is important to take into account a number of other factors.

Step 1
Think about how you would like your sword to be. It is important to consider every little detail here, from the length of the handle and blade to the lacing, color and surface of the scabbard.
Step 2
Decide for what purpose the sword will be bought and subsequently used, to decorate the interior, replenish the collection, for training, etc. If the sword will be used as a decoration, it is enough to choose the one you like externally, as well as to take care of buying a mount for such a sword of the appropriate design. If the sword will be used in training, you should be more careful when choosing and take into account a number of the following rules.
Step 3
Take your favorite sword in your hands, estimate its length and weight in fact. The ideal weight for a training sword is one to two kilograms.
Step 4
Take a sword with a different handle and see the difference, determining which option is more comfortable and ideal for you.
Step 5
Get a sword that will be used as an addition to the samurai costume, along with a scabbard for it.
Step 6
When buying, pay attention to the material from which the sword is made, as well as to the manufacturer. For a decorative sword, stainless steel is better suited, since it does not require any specific maintenance, does not corrode and does not require additional lubricants.
Step 7
Hardened steel works best for a combat sword. Denix, Martespa, Armas del Mundo and others are among the best manufacturers that have proven themselves in the manufacture of swords. These manufacturers are distinguished by excellent quality and high warranty service for their products.
Step 8
Compare prices for swords in different stores (online and stationary). Flip through the catalogs, looking at a variety of views. Do not rush to make a choice; you should approach the process of choosing and buying a sword rather carefully.