The animated series South Park has many fans around the world. The main secret of the series' success lies not only in its inherent rough humor, but also in the attractiveness of the main characters: Eric, Stan, Kyle, Butters and Kenny. A simple, even primitive drawing of "South Park" allows everyone to easily draw their favorite characters.

It is necessary
paper, pencil, eraser, black marker, colored pencils, felt-tip pens or paints
Step 1
Draw a large circle with a simple pencil to be Kenny's head. Do not use auxiliary tools such as compasses. Such "crutches" only interfere with the novice artist, preventing the development of the eye and the ability to clearly draw the desired lines on paper.
Step 2
Draw a rectangle under the circle, which should be about half the diameter of the circle. You created Kenny's body. All the characters in this animated series are drawn with a similar out of proportion. Mark the arms with two arcs on the sides of the rectangle and use circles to mark the shape of the mittens.
Step 3
Add a circle within the large circle and draw two arcs to the left and right of Kenny's face to indicate the tightened edges of the hood. At the bottom of the rectangle, mark a narrow strip of pants and even lower - an approximately equal strip for feet spaced in different directions. The legs of the heroes of "South Park" are drawn very short.
Step 4
Draw two huge eyes that converge on the bridge of the nose with small pupil dots. Eyes are the only feature of Kenny's face visible to viewers. All the characters in "South Park" are so big-eyed and the expression of emotions in the series is also based mainly on "playing with the eyes."
Step 5
Add details: Kenny's drawstrings on the hood, a zip on the jacket, protruding thumbs on the mittens. If some lines seem wrong to you, erase them and redraw.
Step 6
Trace the outline of the drawing with a thin black marker and let the work dry completely.
Step 7
Erase the pencil sketches and start coloring in the drawing. To do this, you can use colored pencils, felt-tip pens, or any kind of paint. You only need three colors: orange for Kenny's jacket and pants, dark brown for the lining of the hood and shoes, and finally pink for the face. All the characters in South Park wear clothes that combine two or three contrasting colors.