One of the features of Photoshop is that you can not only edit photos, create various frames for them, change the distant background, and paint various objects. You can also create independent drawings in it.

It is necessary
Adobe Photoshop program
Step 1
Create a new document 400 * 400 pixels in size. You can open a new document by pressing Ctrl + N.
Step 2
Paint one layer with black. To do this, select black and press Shift + F5, in the window that opens, click OK.
Step 3
Duplicate your layer by pressing Ctrl + J and return the layer color to white again. Thus, on the toolbar you will have two squares designated - a black square at the bottom, and a white one at the top.
Step 4
Filter the colors by creating a generic layer. To do this, do the following Filter-> Render-> Clouds. To continue distributing the light and dark areas press Ctrl + F. Distribute as much as you see fit.
Step 5
Go to the main menu and do the following: Filter-> Render-> Difference Clouds. You should now have clearer separations between the dark and white areas in your drawing.
Step 6
Delete unnecessary areas, for this it is convenient to use the Eraser Tool (E) and a large soft brush, select them from the toolbar. Start at the top right corner, erase white streaks, leaving only a black background on top. As you probably already guessed, the white waves will be the flames.
Step 7
Draw out some areas of the fire using the Liquify filter, or simply by pressing the following command: Ctrl + Shift + X. Give the flames a realistic shape.
Step 8
Change the colors by selecting Image-> Adjusnments-> Gradient Map in the main menu. In the window that opens, select the color of your future flame.
Step 9
Duplicate your layer again by pressing Ctrl + J. Now blur this layer by going to Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur. The blur radius should be set equal to 10 pixels.
Step 10
Change the blending mode of the layers. You had Normal, change it to Screen. The drawing of fire is ready, of course, it is far from ideal, real fire. You can experiment by creating a design from several layers, adding other shades of flame, such as red. Good luck!