Black Jack is one of the most famous casino card games. The great popularity of this game around the world is due to its easy rules and simple card counting strategy. This game is very exciting and dynamic.

Object of the game and basic rules
The game involves six decks of cards of 52 sheets, 312 cards in total, from deuce to ace. The croupier plays the game using a special device, where he places a large deck, which is called Shoe or in Russian "block", "shoe".
The goal of Blackjack is to score points as close as possible to 21 and beat the dealer. If the sum of points is more than 21, then the player immediately loses his bet. This combination is called "brute force" or "a lot".
Tens, Jacks, Queens and Kings are worth 10 points. All these cards have the same value in the game and are called "tens". Ace, at the request of the player, can be counted as 1 or 11 points. The rest of the cards are counted in accordance with their face value (two - 2 points, three - 3, nine - 9 points, etc.). In the game of Blackjack, the suits of the cards do not matter.
Black Jack is an ace and a ten. It is considered the most senior and in its importance surpasses any other cards, even if their total is 21 points.
On a standard blackjack table, there are seven game boxes where players place their chips before the start of the hand. Each player has the right to place bets on one or several boxes. By agreement, several players can place their bets on one box, and the croupier is obliged to find out from the players which of them will make the decision, or is the “owner of the box”.
There is a special sign on each gambling table in the casino that informs the players about the maximum and minimum bets. For example: $ 10- $ 200 or $ 25- $ 500. The sum of all bets on one box must not exceed the maximum set on the table in the casino.
Game progress
Before starting to deal cards, the croupier invites the players to place bets: put chips on the boxes. After all the bets have been made, the dealer begins to deal one card to the box, and puts the card to himself, then again strips the players one card at a time. All cards are dealt face up. At the end of the hand, it turns out that there are two cards on each game box, and the dealer has one.
Now the dealer starts to "service the boxes" - to work with each player in turn. For the player, the cards of other players at the table do not matter. He plays against the dealer. Two cards is an initial combination that can be improved by collecting additional cards, then the dealer will make the same set for himself.
If the player is not satisfied with the two initial cards, then he asks the dealer to open another one. After assessing the current situation, the player has the right to ask for one more card, etc. If the sum of the points on the box is more than 21, then the croupier immediately takes the player's bet. This box is considered a loser.
When drawing cards for the box, the player should not forget that an ace in Blackjack can go for either 1 or 11 points. For example, a five and an ace add up to either 6 or 16 points. If the next card is an eight, then the player's total points will be 14 (but not 14 or 24).
If the sum of the cards on the player's box turns out to be higher than that of the dealer, then his bet is paid in the amount of 1: 1, if the player immediately gets Black Jack (ace and ten), then the bet is paid 1, 5: 1 or 3: 2 …
If the sum of the dealer's and the player's cards is the same, then the game ends in a draw - the bets remain in place. The draw in the international language of Blackjack is called: Push, Stand off or Stay.
When the dealer starts collecting cards for himself, he acts automatically. He is obliged to take cards for himself until the sum of points is 17 or more. If the dealer has a bust, then he pays all the bets on the table, but if not, then his card sum is compared with each playing box separately.
If there is a bust on all boxes, the dealer does not deal his cards. After the cards are dealt, they are collected and put into a special bump stop, which is located on the gaming table to the right of the dealer. The game continues until a special plastic card comes out of the "shoe". When the croupier makes a batch of cards, then before putting them into the "shoe", he must cut off about a third of the deck with a special card. It turns out that about 100 cards do not take part in the game. After the release of a special card, the dealer must finish the deal and shuffle the deck again or "make a shuffle".
Player special features
Having received the first two cards, the player has the right to double his original bet or "make a double". He can only get one card on the double. It is beneficial for a player to double if he has 9, 10 or 11 points on the box. There is a high probability that a dozen may come and then a good amount of cards will turn out, and bets, in case of winning, will be paid in double size.
When a player has two cards of the same value on the box, he has the right to split them or “split”, “split”. To do this, he needs to place a bet equal to the initial one, the cards are moved apart, and on one box there are two sets of cards and two equal bets. If a card of the same rank comes out on the "split" again, then they can be divided again in the same way. You can make a maximum of three "splits" on one box.
A special rule applies when splitting aces. Aces can be split only once, and the dealer automatically deals only one card at a time. There cannot be a Black-Jack combination on "splits". Ace and ten give 21 points and are paid, in case of a win 1: 1.
If the dealer has an ace during the deal, he is obliged to offer the players insurance against Blackjack. If the dealer has a Black Jack, then the insurance is paid 2: 1, if not, the insurance loses. The amount of insurance should be no more than half the bet on the box.
If the dealer has an ace, and the player on the box Blackjack, then the dealer is obliged to offer the player "the same money" or even money. The player has the right to receive his winnings, albeit in the amount of 1: 1.
If the player does not immediately like his combination of cards on the box. Then he can immediately abandon the game, admitting his defeat and losing half of the original bet. Refusal to play or Surrender cannot be done when the dealer has an ace.