How To Independently Learn To Write Music

How To Independently Learn To Write Music
How To Independently Learn To Write Music

From birth, a person has talents in any area. With age, creativity may develop or decline. It depends on your desire and your own efforts. The urge to create often appears after listening to music, which makes a lasting impression. With the right approach, you can learn how to write pieces of music of varying complexity on your own.

How to independently learn to write music
How to independently learn to write music

How to learn to write music

There are no specific recipes for composing music. The main thing is patience and a desire to develop your talent in all respects. There are several mandatory stages, overcoming which, you will develop your musical ability.

Musical literacy

Notation literacy and knowledge of the basics of solfeggio are the most important conditions for a beginner musician. Without knowledge of the theory, you will not get one step further. If you have had experience of studying at a music school, then the first stage can be considered practically passed. However, it is necessary to refresh the knowledge gained many years ago. It is more difficult for those who do not have a secondary musical education. In this case, you should decide on your own or not, you will master the theory. You can learn musical literacy yourself only if you have excellent internal self-organization and a great desire. On the Internet, you can find a huge amount of information on a topic of interest. However, it is worth choosing the traditional method associated with mastering a solfeggio textbook and analyzing musical notation. It is important to write chords and harmony manually in a notebook, feeling the future melody.


When you have mastered musical notation and are confident in your strength, you can proceed to your plan. It is important to choose the musical instrument that is right for you. The choice depends on personal preference. This can be a piano, violin, synthesizer, guitar, etc. Professional music teachers will help you master the subject of music, from whom you can take several paid lessons. You will find such teachers in music schools and colleges. Another option is self-study, which requires some strength and patience. If you want to hear a combination of several musical instruments, then it is enough to master a computer music program. With the help of such a program, it will be possible to write complex pieces of music.


Musical creativity cannot be imagined without inspiration, which helps to tune in to the right wave. Without a special emotional mood and a share of imagination, it will not be possible to create any piece of music. Suffice it to recall the famous composers of the past, who composed their great works in a state of catharsis. If you feel an unexpected surge of creative energy, then it is better to have time to write down what you have invented at this moment.
