How To Make A Pickaxe In Minecraft

How To Make A Pickaxe In Minecraft
How To Make A Pickaxe In Minecraft

The pickaxe is the main tool and the main symbol of the Minecraft game. Exploration of caves and mining is impossible without it. Pickaxe is one of those things that need to be made at the very beginning.

How to make a pickaxe in minecraft
How to make a pickaxe in minecraft

What do you need for a pickaxe?

Any tool or weapon in Minecraft can be made from different types of materials. At the first stage, the most accessible resource is wood, since trees grow on any type of terrain (except for the desert) and can be easily “disassembled” by hand. You can make sticks and boards from wood. This is enough to create the first, most important tools.

Once you appear in the game world, head towards the nearest cluster of trees, but do not move far from the point of appearance, or try to remember the landmarks. Approaching the tree, start mining wood by holding down the left mouse button. You can mine resources within a radius of three blocks. Collect at least ten lumber. Some will be spent on creating a pickaxe and other tools, the rest can be used to obtain coal, which is needed to illuminate the space and protect against monsters.

After collecting wood, open the character window. Next to the image of your hero is a 2x2 crafting (item creation) window. This is not enough to create a pickaxe, but here you can make a workbench, which is used to craft most of the items. Place half of the mined wood in one of the slots, this will allow you to get planks. From a unit of wood, four planks are obtained. Planks are excellent raw materials for making your first tools and fuel for your oven. In the same crafting window, place two boards on top of each other, this will give you sticks. Now fill in all four slots with planks, and the result should be a workbench.

Planks and sticks can be used to make an ax, which will significantly speed up the extraction of wood.

Pickaxe - symbol of minecraft

Take the workbench in your hand and place it on the surface by pressing the right mouse button. Right click on the workbench again to open its interface. An active 3x3 crafting field will appear in front of you. This is enough to create absolutely any item in the game. Fill the top horizontal with planks (it should take three), and place the sticks along the central vertical as a handle. As a result, you will receive a pickaxe.

The wooden pickaxe is not very durable, and not all types of resources can be obtained with it. With this tool in hand, head to the nearest mountain, or simply remove a couple of nearby blocks of earth or sand to gain access to the rock. Collect three cobblestones with a pickaxe and create a new tool at the workbench.

Coal is the first resource that must be mined, since it is from it that torches important for life are created.

A stone pickaxe is much stronger than a wooden one, it can extract almost all types of resources except diamonds, emeralds, gold and red dust, which is insignificant in the early stages of the game. Going to explore the world, take with you three or four pickaxes, so as not to suddenly be left without the main tool.
