How To Make A Garden Scarecrow Craft With A Child

How To Make A Garden Scarecrow Craft With A Child
How To Make A Garden Scarecrow Craft With A Child

Table of contents:


One of the ways to spend a rainy day off with a child beautifully, cheerfully and creatively is to make an interior doll from scrap materials together. For example, a craft in the form of a garden scarecrow, cute and funny, will not only decorate the interior, serve as a gift for family and friends, but also contribute to the development of small

motor skills, accuracy and creative thinking of a senior preschool child.

How to make a garden scarecrow craft with a child
How to make a garden scarecrow craft with a child

It is necessary

  • - bamboo sticks - 2 pcs.;
  • - hot melt glue;
  • - tissue flaps;
  • - cotton wool (foam rubber or other filler);
  • - multi-colored buttons;
  • - sewing threads;
  • - sewing needle;
  • - a sleeve from a roll of toilet paper;
  • - cardboard;
  • - thin cord or rope;
  • - scissors;
  • - acrylic or gouache paints;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - paper, pebbles;
  • - ribbons, dry leaves, etc. - for decoration.


Step 1

Using a drop of hot melt glue, use two bamboo sticks to assemble the scarecrow base. At the same time, cut the horizontal stick so that it is proportionally shorter than the vertical one.


Step 2

Choose a thin cord or rope, calculate the required length, fasten it at the intersection of two bamboo sticks so that both ends of the rope hang freely.

This is a blank for the legs of a garden scarecrow.


Step 3

Take a square piece of light-colored fabric, such as white, beige, nude, or just a piece of heavy burlap. Use a needle and thread to sew the flap around the perimeter, forming a circle. Begin to gradually pull both ends of the thread, while stuffing with cotton wool, foam rubber or other filler material. This is a blank for the head of a scarecrow craft.

Secure the head blank on top of the stick base. This can be done by winding tightly a rope or cord, wrapping the doll from the neck and up to about a third of the

torso. Sew on the eye buttons and embroider a smile.


Step 4

Use the toilet paper roll to make a stand for the interior scarecrow doll. Close the hole on one side by cutting the bottom out of the cardboard and gluing it.

Paint the sleeve the desired color using acrylics or gouache. Decorate the outside as desired, stuff with paper and pebbles. Stones are needed in order

to give stability to the structure.

Step 5

From the scraps of fabric, sew the details of the little scarecrow's clothing. It is necessary to sew the scarecrow's clothes directly on the craft, since putting on ready-made clothes on the doll will be very problematic. Sew and glue the rope hair, panama hat to the head.


Step 6

Insert the already dressed scarecrow doll into the prepared stand. At the last stage of the work, decorate the scarecrow with beads, buttons, ribbons and dry leaves.
