How To Make Your Face Like An Avatar In The Movie

How To Make Your Face Like An Avatar In The Movie
How To Make Your Face Like An Avatar In The Movie

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Avatar is not for nothing considered the best movie ever released. Even if we do not take into account the twisted plot and interesting special effects, the inhabitants of the distant planet Pandora were so fond of the audience that many people immediately appeared who wanted to look like a Navi. This can be done with tight-fitting blue clothes and special makeup.

After the release of the film, the navi costume became very popular
After the release of the film, the navi costume became very popular

It is necessary

  • - face paints
  • - small sponge
  • - sequins
  • - black long haired wig
  • - hair bands
  • - yellow-green contact lenses


Step 1

If you plan to not only put on makeup, but also completely change clothes like an avatar, put on a costume first. Otherwise, pulling on tight-fitting things, you will smear the pattern on your face and you will have to redo it again.

Step 2

Pandora's skin glows blue, try to find a face paint that has a bright, rich hue. A small amount of mother-of-pearl added to the paint will give it the necessary glow.

Step 3

Cleanse the skin with a regular lotion so that the paint falls as evenly as possible. Blot your face well with a dry towel, apply blue paint on it and spread it with a sponge, also grabbing the neck and ears, but it is better to leave the eyelids and lips intact.

Step 4

While the paint is still wet, lightly dust the forehead, nose and cheekbones with glitter.

Step 5

Yellow-green contact lenses will make you look like a Navi, but if you don't have them, that's okay. Touch up your eyelids with yellow dye with a touch of green.

Mark the tip of the nose and over the eyebrows with white. With a darker blue color, draw stripes along the bridge of the nose and cheeks.

Step 6

Complete the look with a long-haired black wig, or you can tailor something from your own hair. Don't invent anything supernatural. Tousle your head, braid a careless braid, release several strands from it, which, in turn, should also be braided and secured with hair ties.
