How To Draw A Wolf Cub

How To Draw A Wolf Cub
How To Draw A Wolf Cub

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In order to draw a wolf cub, it is necessary to depict a puppy of an ordinary dog and supplement the drawing with details, as well as display the features that distinguish this animal from a domestic relative.

How to draw a wolf cub
How to draw a wolf cub


Step 1

Begin your drawing by constructing construction parts. The body of a wolf cub can be divided into the following parts: the head and body, they can be depicted in the form of ovals, and 4 legs. Please note that the proportions of the wolf cub are less elongated than that of the adult, so do not make the oval corresponding to the body and the figures depicting the legs too long.

Step 2

Draw the head of the wolf cub, it resembles the face of an ordinary puppy, but the skull is more massive and high. The eyes are set on the front, not on the sides of the head, as in some types of dogs, such as greyhounds. Mark the eyebrows of the wolf cub, where they pass into the elongated nose, draw a concave line. Keep in mind that even small puppies have fairly sharp teeth. The cheeks of the wolf cubs do not hang down on the sides of the mouth.

Step 3

Outline the ears of the wolf cub. They are triangular in shape and, in comparison with the size of the head, are not as large as in an adult animal.

Step 4

Round out the outlines of the body, it should be moderately strong, but not thick, because wolf packs are looking for themselves in harsh conditions, so their puppies sometimes starve.

Step 5

Draw the legs of the wolf cub. They should be sturdy with a massive bottom. Note that cubs have longer limbs than the average dog's puppies. In addition, even babies have claws. Keep in mind that the middle two toes on each foot are longer than the rest.

Step 6

Draw the animal's tail. It is quite long, in puppies it is very mobile, but with age it acquires a "hanging" position. The tail of a wolf cub is covered with longer hair than the back or nape.

Step 7

Start coloring the picture. Wolf cubs are lighter in color than adults, often their hair is reddish. Color the character of hair growth: on the nose, it is directed from the tip to the crown, on the back - from the nape to the tail.
