In the minds of most ordinary people, the McDonald's company is associated with the yellow letter "M", Nike - with an elongated checkmark, and the United Russia party - with a bear wandering somewhere important under the Russian flag. These are all logos. What is a logo?

A logo is one of the main branding elements. The word comes from the Greek language and denotes a graphic image specially designed to identify and draw the attention of consumers to an enterprise or organization. The logo can be a full, abbreviated company name or a symbol.
A logo is an essential component of a corporate image. This is why start-ups are placing increased emphasis on designing a logo for their business. Also, representatives of those organizations that are awaiting rebranding - a change of corporate identity - turn to the creators for help. A competent, expressive and original logo can be the key to the success of any business project.
Sometimes the founders independently come up with and draw a logo for their company, but in modern conditions this is more a rarity than a regularity. Entrepreneurs who are smart about a business start-up prefer to entrust the process of creating logos, as well as slogans, company names to professionals who have real experience in these areas. In addition, specialists working in the field of naming and design have a rich imagination and a creative approach to business. They know how to think like a customer.
With the help of the Internet, you can find a first-class designer in a short time who can create a universal and memorable logo. Quite often, various freelance sites hold contests for logo developers. There are also design studios that will gladly take on the responsibility of creating a fashionable logo.
In the eyes of the buyer, a logo is not only a unique sign, but also a guarantor of the quality of a product or service. If the company does not have a logo, many will suspect that the company is solid, ethical and serious. In addition, a properly registered logo will protect the interests of the company in court in the event of unfair competition. And such cases, unfortunately, are not at all uncommon.