Although there are many ready-made souvenirs in stores, including frames for paintings, photographs, diplomas and certificates, it is always more interesting and more pleasant to arrange such a frame yourself than buying a ready-made one. Moreover, it is worth making an exclusive thing if you plan to insert a photo dear to your heart or the first drawing of your baby into the frame. A DIY item is also perfect as a gift.

It is necessary
A finished frame, acrylic glue, varnish, pictures, a ball of thread, knitting needles, leaves, twigs, acorn caps, seeds, cereals, beads, rhinestones, pieces of colored glass, beads, paints, brush
Step 1
Take small pebbles (up to 10 mm in size), shells, some quartz sand (you can use a special colored or dyed one). Lay out a sample pattern on the table that you would like to decorate the frame with. When the "model" of the future pattern is ready, start transferring it to the frame, smearing parts of its surface with glue.
Step 2
Cut out small pictures from magazines, postcards, posters. The size of pictures should not exceed the width of the frame. Stick pictures on the frame in random order. Cover them on top with a layer of clear acrylic varnish so that the frame is not afraid of water.
Step 3
Take a ball of yarn and knitting needles and knit a long strip that looks like a scarf. The width of the "scarf" should be equal to the width of the frame, and the length - to its perimeter, that is, the sum of the lengths of all sides. Cut the knitted strip into four pieces, measuring each side of the frame first, and glue them with acrylic glue. Another option is to make the width of the "scarf" twice the width of the frame. Then they can wrap the frame from the outside and inside, which looks more original.
Step 4
Use plant materials for decoration - leaves, twigs, acorn caps, seeds, cereals. They can be glued as an independent composition or supplemented with beads, rhinestones, pieces of colored glass, beads. From above, the pattern can be coated with pearlescent or clear acrylic varnish.
Step 5
Paint the frame with special paints that are suitable for painting on various materials - wood, plastic, etc. With stained glass paints, you can paint the corners of the glass in a frame or make a dedication at the bottom.