How To Make A Vase From A Bottle

How To Make A Vase From A Bottle
How To Make A Vase From A Bottle

If you want to decorate the interior, add your own flavor to it, then start with an unusual but simple craft - a vase, which can be easily made from a plastic or glass bottle, using paper, twigs, threads, buttons, newspapers or any other materials as decoration …

How to make a vase from a bottle
How to make a vase from a bottle

How to make a vase from a glass bottle

In order to make a beautiful vase from an ordinary glass bottle, you need to choose a bottle of the required size and shape. Then wash it thoroughly with soap and dry it. The workpiece is ready, now you need to decorate it. For decoration, you can use absolutely any materials, such as beads, all kinds of beads and buttons, shells. Below is an example of a decor with threads of different colors.

It is necessary to apply decoupage glue to the entire surface of the bottle, excluding the neck, then take the thread and carefully wind it around the bottle so that you cannot see the gaps between the skeins. After several skeins, the thread must be replaced with another one, the color of which contrasts with the previous one. Glue the entire surface of the bottle in this way, then let the glue dry. The vase is ready.

How to make a vase from a plastic bottle

In order to make a cute vase from a plastic bottle, you need to take a bottle of the desired color and cut the neck (choose the length of the vase yourself). The next step is processing the edges of the bottle. To do this, you need to heat the iron to 180 degrees, put a sheet of paper on the cut of the bottle and gently put the iron on it for a few seconds. This procedure perfectly smoothes the cut, makes it even. Since the plastic bottle is quite light, it needs to be heavier. This can be done with a solution of gypsum or ordinary small stones (pour them on the bottom). Well, the last stage is decor. Here you need to give free rein to imagination. Vases made of plastic bottles, which are decorated with beads or stones, made up in an interesting composition and pattern, look very interesting.
