Fortune Telling By Phone Call

Fortune Telling By Phone Call
Fortune Telling By Phone Call

Modern technologies have also become actively used in fortune telling. There are several methods of fortune telling by phone that will help you find the answer to your question.

Fortune telling by phone call
Fortune telling by phone call

Divination by desire

Any phone is suitable for this fortune-telling. You can use a mobile or stationary device. You need to formulate a question, to which it is possible to answer in monosyllables "yes" or "no", then take the phone and ask him this question aloud. Now you need to wait for the first call. If a man calls, then the answer is yes, the woman is negative.

It is desirable that the call is received within an hour, then the fortune-telling will most likely be correct. It turns out that the faster they called you, the more accurate the prediction will be. The main thing is not to miss a phone call.

Divination by a loved one

Any phone is also used for this fortune-telling. You dial the phone number of the person you are thinking of now, but only change the last two digits. They must correspond to the date of his birth. For example, if he was born on the ninth, then dial at the end of 09. Now listen to who will answer you. If you hear a woman's voice on the phone, then your loved one does not have serious feelings for you, the man's - you are loved. If a child's voice answers the call, then wait for an early marriage proposal. The call was not answered - it means the uncertainty of your joint future.

Guessing the question of interest

There is another interesting method of fortune telling by phone. You make a wish or formulate a question that you would like an answer to. Focus on the question and dial any phone number from your contact list. Now that the call has started, start counting beeps. If you were answered after an even ring, then the answer is "no", after an odd one - your wish should be fulfilled.

Do not guess too often, otherwise the predictions will be false. Ask only those questions that really excite you very much at the moment.
