Each personality has a huge hidden potential, which few manage to realize. There are a large number of methods for the development and self-development of a person, helping to achieve high results in a number of areas.

It is necessary
- - positive attitudes aimed at self-development;
- - chess;
- - crosswords or puzzles;
- - material for modeling.
Step 1
To develop all the capabilities of a person that nature has endowed him with, one must take into account the specifics of his psyche. During life, the individual acquires negative experience, which, deposited in his subconscious, forms negative attitudes. These include such formulations as “I can’t,” “I will not succeed,” “this is not mine,” “this is too difficult for me,” etc. The development of human capabilities is impossible as long as such attitudes exist in his mind.
Step 2
The initial stage on the path of developing hidden opportunities is to free yourself from harmful thoughts. And just getting rid of negative judgments is not enough. Replace them with positive ones. To do this, formulate a list of positive statements. When composing them, avoid the "not" particle. Write these statements down daily before bed. Scroll through them mentally throughout the day. For greater effect, hang small pieces of paper with these statements at home.
Step 3
When you get rid of psychological blocks, and believe in yourself, proceed to the next stage. There are activities that develop a range of possibilities. For example, playing chess develops logical and analytical thinking, memory, strategy skills, planning skills, and the ability to concentrate on the task at hand. Guessing crosswords enriches vocabulary, trains memory, and helps speed up the thought process. Sculpting develops fine motor skills of the fingers, which is closely related to speech and the level of intelligence. By creating various figures from plastic, plaster or clay, you will not only improve the state of the nervous system, but also get aesthetic pleasure, and perhaps discover the inclinations of a sculptor. Therefore, master the game of chess and modeling, and if ordinary crosswords seem too easy for you, try to guess numbers or graphics.
Step 4
After that, start developing more complex abilities. Based on the previous seemingly simple workouts, you will master speed reading much easier and faster, multi-stage memory training systems, and discover new creative abilities. The results of your classes depend only on your perseverance and hard work.