Fatsia is an evergreen indoor flower from the Araliaceae family. It can reach a height of one and a half meters, the leaves are dark green, large, up to 30 cm in diameter. There are also variegated species. This plant requires a large pot. It blooms very rarely in captivity.

Step 1
The flower tolerates shade well, and does not tolerate direct sunlight at all, loves good ventilation. Therefore, in the summer, you can keep it in the fresh air, always shading it from the sun's rays. Fatsia in winter requires a temperature of at least 10 degrees, but above 15 is also not recommended. In the summer, you need frequent spraying, the soil must be constantly moistened. The plant immediately responds to the drying out of the soil by drooping leaves, and it is very difficult to bring it back to normal later. During the growth period, the plant needs feeding every two to three weeks, and it is desirable to alternate mineral and organic fertilizers.
Step 2
This is a plant with a powerful root system, therefore, it requires periodic replanting. This should be done every two years, preferably in the spring in a pot slightly larger than the previous one. The soil should consist of half of the sand, one part of peat, leaf and sod land and two parts of humus. This flower loves loose soil, so do not compact the soil too much, it is better to fill it up later. Don't forget to drain well.
Step 3
Fatsia can be propagated by cuttings and seeds. Cuttings with several buds are dipped in peat, covered with a jar, periodically airing. After rooting, they are transplanted into a separate pot. The plant will be short, with a dense crown. In order to grow fatsia from seeds, you need to soak the seeds in warm water for one to two days in early spring. After that, they are planted in a mixture of peat with sand, sprinkling on top with a small layer of sand. Cover with foil or glass, periodically moistening the soil. Grown up shoots are planted in separate pots.
Step 4
If the plant begins to shed the lower leaves, then it is too hot or too little light. Root rot spots on the leaves appear after excessive waterlogging of the ground. A diseased plant must be sprayed and watered with foundation. Yellowing and dropping of leaves can be caused by excess moisture or spider mites. Dry leaves indicate dry air or insufficient watering. This occurs when the temperature of the fatsia content rises above 22 degrees in dry air.