Kart is the simplest racing car without a body, capable of speeds up to 260 kilometers per hour. For the correct driving of the car with minimal loss of time and speed on the go-kart track, it is necessary to remember and practice the peculiarities of the behavior of vehicles when cornering of various types.

Step 1
The pedals and the steering wheel are used to drive the car. With the help of pedals, the rear wheels are controlled, with the help of the steering wheel - the front ones. Taking slow turns will buy you time. Precisely "setting" the car, before starting acceleration, pause, while the rear wheels will begin to slide. When the desired effect is achieved as a result of the skid, start driving and throttle to restore traction.
Step 2
On the other hand, in fast cornering, avoid sliding the rear axle as it will be very difficult to stop the skid, wasting time and speed. The higher the speed, the smoother and more accurate the steering. To maintain the balance of the vehicle, do not take fast corners with the rear wheels unloaded. This can lead to a reversal of the map. From the very beginning of the turn, keep your foot on the gas pedal so as not to slow down the car.
Step 3
In passing a single simple turn, the most important thing is to straighten the trajectory as much as possible. To reduce the chance of skidding when braking, finish it before you start the turn. Start acceleration when you feel that the karts are stable enough for this, and the increase in speed will not cause slipping. The ability to correctly determine the right moment to start acceleration will come with experience after numerous trainings.
Step 4
Go through the fast turns encountered on karting tracks as smoothly as possible, straightening the trajectory as much as possible. Do not make sharp turns of the steering wheel. In terms of speed and stability, a constant maximum turning radius trajectory is usually the most efficient.
Step 5
Perform the hairpin turn late with a deep entry (direct the cards to the outside of the turn). Deliberately increasing the "steepness" of the entrance and sacrificing speed in the first stage of the turn, straighten the trajectory as early as possible.
Step 6
In a 90-degree turn, the optimal trajectory will depend on whether it follows a new turn or a straight. To be able to start intensive acceleration earlier, it is necessary to pass the apex relatively late.