Avocado is an evergreen, fast-growing tree that can reach 20 meters in height. The fruit is very healthy, it contains many important substances that the body needs. Not everyone knows that avocado also has magical properties and is used in practical magic.

How is avocado used in magic and what are its health benefits?
Avocado in magic
Not many people know that avocado is used in love magic. Even the ancient Aztecs used it to stir up passion. Women born in Mexico use avocado oil to give their skin a special glow, calling it "royal oil".
Practical magic advises using an avocado before starting a new business, project or business. In order to make the right decision, it is recommended to eat an avocado after sitting on a chair covered with green cloth. In the process of eating, it is important to represent in detail the result that you want to get in the end.
In love magic, the avocado was used by a married couple to stir up passion. During dinner, there must have been a dish with fruit on the table, which had to be divided into two equal parts and eaten.
To attract attention, it is enough to put an avocado seed in a green bag or sew it into a green cloth and always carry it with you in your pocket or purse. Avocados help women look more attractive, and men more charismatic.
If you take a piece of avocado tree, dry it and wear it as a talisman, troubles, troubles and problems will bypass the person.
By growing an avocado tree from a seed at home, you can get rid of conflicts and achieve complete harmony in the family.
In order for nothing to happen to a person on a long journey, it is enough to eat an avocado on the full moon and at exactly 12 at night. And throw the bone out of the window, trying to make it fall as far from the house as possible.
If parents want the child to grow up healthy, smart and talented, it is necessary to put a fetal bone in the bed with the baby. You can hide it under a pillow or under a mattress.
When a woman really wants to hear a marriage proposal from her chosen one, she needs to invite the man to dinner and feed him with a variety of dishes, which include avocado.

Avocado for health
The benefits of the fruit are not only in its magical properties. Avocado can save a person from many problems and diseases.
For those who are interested in gaining weight, it is enough to include avocados in their daily diet. It contains enough fatty acids to help increase muscle mass (fat does not accumulate in the body when the fetus is eaten). The fruit is very useful for those who work out in the gym. It helps speed up metabolism and increases metabolism, so it can be used by those who are on diets.
Avocado helps in the prevention of such a serious disease as atherosclerosis. If a person has already been diagnosed with this, then the use of the fetus will alleviate the patient's condition.
Avocado is also well suited for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract. The fruit relieves gas, prevents constipation.
For painful periods, avocados can be very beneficial. The fetus is able to fight cramps and pain. Therefore, women are advised to include it in their diet.
Avocados are recommended for people with cancer. It is able to start the processes of destruction of the tumor. It is good to use the fruit for preventive purposes and consume it at least once a week.
Avocados are also recommended after prolonged use of antibiotics. With the help of it, it is easy to restore the microflora, the fetus will also have a beneficial effect on the liver.
For those looking to get rid of skin problems, you can try using avocado oil as a compress or lubricant on the affected skin. This is especially true for those diagnosed with lichen, psoriasis, or eczema. It is important to remember that it is not recommended to apply the oil to open wounds or abrasions.
Despite the tremendous benefits of avocado seeds, they are quite toxic. Therefore, you should strictly adhere to the norms for the use of the product. There is also an individual intolerance to some of the components that make up the avocado.