How To Make Earrings Using The Ganutel Technique

How To Make Earrings Using The Ganutel Technique
How To Make Earrings Using The Ganutel Technique

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There is no doubt that the jewelry can be made from almost any material at hand, even from wire. I bring to your attention very unusual and beautiful earrings using the ganutel technique. This technique is quite old, but it is interesting to many needlewomen to this day.

How to make earrings using the ganutel technique
How to make earrings using the ganutel technique

It is necessary

  • - thick wire;
  • - thin wire;
  • - silk threads or floss;
  • - scissors;
  • - hooks;
  • - knitting needle.


Step 1

So, let's start making the basis for future earrings. Surely you have already realized that it will have a twisted wire frame. We take a knitting needle and begin to wrap it with a thin wire. We do this until the length of the winding reaches 4 centimeters.

Step 2

Then we remove the wire from the knitting needle and begin to stretch it. Thus, the frame of future earrings should be doubled. Do everything very carefully, as the width between the turns should be the same.

Step 3

After the stretching of the frame is finished, you need to push a thick wire into it. We give the future earrings the necessary shape. Then we wrap the ends of the thin wire around the thick one. Cut off the excess part of the wire and form a ring at the end of the decoration for the hook.

Step 4

We proceed to the most important thing - thread winding. We tie a silk thread or floss and start winding it in any order. Everything will depend only on your desire and imagination. At the end of this process, secure the thread.

Step 5

We make 2 more short spirals of thin wire, put them on the ends of the earrings and attach the ear wires. Earrings using the ganutel technique are ready!
