How To Make A Topiary

How To Make A Topiary
How To Make A Topiary

Topiary is an ornamental tree that brings luck, happiness and success to its owner. To please a loved one, you can make a topiary with your own hands and present it for any occasion.

A wide variety of materials can be used to make topiary. Topiary should consist of three main elements: crown, trunk and base-pot.

Topiary made from coffee beans

To make coffee topiary, take a styrofoam ball, make a hole in it for the barrel, and paint it with brown paint. Gently glue the coffee beans to the ball, filling the entire crown space with them.

Make a trunk out of a thick, curved branch. To make it look better, cover it with enamel or varnish, let it dry. Apply golden or silver strokes on it, depending on how you want to decorate the crown. You can also cover a crown of coffee with varnish, but experienced masters do not recommend doing this, since such a topiary loses its main zest - it ceases to exude the noble aroma of coffee.

When the base of the topiary and the prepared trunk are dry, combine them. Set the base in the pot using alabaster, plaster or cement. Let dry and decorate the base of the topiary.

Topiary is not just a decorative function. It is believed to attract happiness. Therefore, be sure to use in the decoration such decorative elements that carry the semantic load you need. Coins bring financial well-being to the owner of the tree of happiness, birds and butterflies are considered symbols of peace, horseshoes and stones signify good luck.

Organza topiary

To make organza topiary, cut the fabric into small squares with a side of 5-7 centimeters, depending on the size of the mold. Take two squares, fold them together and rotate one of them so that the structure has eight corners. Bend the organza pieces in four, secure the corner with a stapler. Glue the resulting corners to the base of the topiary crown, straightening them to add volume.

Make a trunk, fix the structure in a pot, decorate the topiary with beads, coins, flowers.

Corrugated paper topiary

To make a topiary from corrugated paper, you need to make a large number of flowers. Think about the composition you would like to get. You can decorate the crown of the flower tree of happiness with roses, daisies, tulips and other flowers. Fill in the blanks with green leaves. Place the trunk in the crown and secure in the pot. Decorate the surface of the trunk with moss, sisal, or green yarn.
