Pisces should be prepared that the year of the White Metal Ox will not be the easiest period in their life. But rational thinking and thoughtful actions will help to overcome all difficulties with the least loss.

The horoscope for 2021 recommends that Pisces take immediate care of their health during this period. From the very beginning of the Ox year, they need to begin to strengthen their immunity, carry out hardening procedures and reconsider their diet.
Fish in the year of the Metal Ox will be especially vulnerable to various kinds of infections, so it is worth taking seriously their prevention. The horoscope for 2021 reports that the representatives of this zodiac sign will not hurt a full medical examination to identify problems before they exacerbate. Also, Pisces should not forget about taking vitamins and good rest, if they want to be healthy and full of energy.
Love and relationships
Judging by the horoscope for 2021, Pisces in this time period will be very happy in a love relationship. Under the auspices of the White Metal Ox, single representatives of this sign can find the love of their lives, and already family Pisces will preserve their marriage.
In 2021, Pisces, who are not in a serious relationship, have every chance to meet a new love. As the horoscope promises, such a relationship will develop rapidly and will lead a new couple to get married rather quickly. Pisces should not be afraid of this, if the person has become close and the feelings are strong enough - the family will turn out to be strong and happy.
Pisces who are married in 2021 may feel the dissatisfaction of the second half. This will be due to the fact that representatives of this sign are rarely at home and are completely bogged down in business. The horoscope for the year of the Ox advises spouses in this case to spend more time together and show their love to their partner, even in small things.
Work and finance
The horoscope for the year of the Ox informs Pisces that for their quality work they are unlikely to receive anything other than verbal gratitude. In 2021, this sign shouldn't count too much on a raise or a premium. Of course, Pisces will not work worse from this, especially since all the works in the Year of the Ox will become a good foundation for the future.
In the summer, the horoscope for 2021 promises Pisces promising acquaintances that may be useful in the future. And at the end of the year, you can think about how to use all your experience and skills to improve your financial situation.
Pisces in the year of the Metal Ox must completely control their financial savings. It is not worth spending an emergency reserve of funds on dubious investments and unnecessary purchases.
The horoscope for 2021 also warns Pisces against the desire to make quick money through gambling. Within a year, there is a high probability that relatives or friends will give Pisces old debts that they no longer counted on.