Aura is the energy field of any living and inanimate object that affects everything with which it comes into contact. It often happens that, for inexplicable reasons, certain people immediately evoke sympathy in us, and others, on the contrary, antipathy. This is due to the color vibrations of the aura. Knowing how to read the aura, you can have a beneficial effect on your health and cope with the existing disease. In other words, you can improve your aura.

Step 1
Determine the dominant color of your aura The dominant color of your aura is quite simple to determine. This is the color that you are always unconsciously drawn to, your favorite color. Once you intuitively identify it, you can enhance your aura with clothing, accessories, home decor items in the same color. This way you will attract more dominant vibrations to you, which will bring positive energy into your life. It is necessary to use color combinations that are often found in nature. For example, if your aura is pink, it is good to have green and light pink clothes in your wardrobe.
Step 2
Align Your Environment with Your Thoughts Different colors are associated with different emotions and feelings. For example, blue is associated with calmness and a sense of relaxation. You may notice that when you are wearing blue clothes or accessories, you feel much calmer. While the red color will affect you in the opposite way, because it stimulates the nervous system.
Step 3
Impact of the aura of other people Some processes, objects affect the aura of a person positively or negatively. Any negative emotions such as fear, jealousy, hatred or envy, poor diet, lack of sun can suppress the positive vibrations of your aura. Disease, drug abuse significantly weaken it. When you come into contact with another aura, you exchange energy with it. You may find yourself feeling drained when you are around a particular person. Some people can take the energy of others without knowing it. With people who have an aura of the same color as yours, you feel cheerful and happy. If you pay attention, you will notice that those people who wear clothes of light and bright colors look much happier than those who dress in clothes of dark colors, as such colors absorb energy.
Step 4
Regular exercise and meditation also have a positive effect on the aura.