Few have such a gift as divination. Such people have always been treated with distrust and tried to avoid them. Now predictors are trusted more.

Step 1
Nostradamus. Real name - Michel de Nostrdam, was born in the 16th century and lived a long life. He noticed his abilities while still in school. But he began to write down his predictions only at the age of 52. Nostradamus created 942 quatrains about the future, some of which were lost, and the other was encrypted. Some are still skeptical about his predictions.
Step 2
Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova or, as the people called her, Baba Vanga. A woman with a difficult fate, who went blind at the age of 12. She was returning home when a whirlwind hit her and carried the girl hundreds of meters away. Found Wanga only in the evening with eyes full of sand. For the first time they started talking about her during the Second World War, she determined the whereabouts of the soldiers, and whether they were alive or not. By the age of 30, Wanga became a civil servant and received a salary. Conversations about the Bulgarian clairvoyant still do not cease.
Step 3
Wolf Grigorievich Messing is a rather sensational figure in the 20th century. He insisted that he could read minds. It was he who predicted Hitler's imminent death. This man was a mystery to many. With one touch of his hand, he could heal a seriously ill person. Millions of people attended his performances. Wolf Messing first noticed his talent for suggestion when he was a little boy. Once, when he was riding a hare on a train, he was able to convince the conductor that an ordinary piece of paper was a travel ticket.
Step 4
Grigory Rasputin is the most mysterious predictor. He predicted more than 100 events, of which the most famous was the death of the Tsar's dynasty and the period of Stalinist repressions. Rasputin was killed by the conspirators on December 17, 1916.
Step 5
Edgar Cayce is a famous 20th century diviner. He predicted the end of World War II and the deaths of Presidents Kennedy and Roosevelt.
Step 6
Twin sisters Linda and Terry Jameson spoke about the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack in the United States.
Step 7
Many have heard of such a clairvoyant and healer as Juna. She was born in 1949 on July 22nd. Her patients were Brezhnev, Ilya Glazunov, Robert de Niro, Andrei Tarkovsky and others. In 2001, after the death of her only son Vakhtang, the healer became a recluse.