How To Learn To Read Cards

How To Learn To Read Cards
How To Learn To Read Cards

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No matter what the official church says about the sinfulness of fortune-telling, human curiosity and the desire to look into the future always turn out to be stronger. Therefore, like many centuries ago, fortune-telling remains one of the favorite activities not only of professional sorcerers and shamans, but also of the most ordinary people. And one of the most popular and widespread mantic systems is fortune telling on cards.

How to learn to read cards
How to learn to read cards

It is necessary

  • - deck of cards
  • - accompanying book for the deck
  • - special literature on Tarot layouts


Step 1

Often among people there is a misconception that card fortune-telling is associated only with questions of the future. In reality, this is not entirely true. Fortune-telling cards are an excellent psychotherapeutic tool for analyzing the current situation and thinking about possible prospects. Anyone can learn to read the cards with a little patience and interest.

Step 2

Traditionally, card fortune-telling is divided into fortune-telling on ordinary playing cards (the so-called "gypsy fortune-telling") and fortune-telling on tarot cards. Fortune telling on playing cards, for which a standard deck of 36 sheets is used, can also give good informational results and bring a lot of joy. However, if you seriously study card fortune-telling as a mantic system, then, of course, it is better to stop at one of the Tarot decks. This is explained, first of all, by the more detailed development of this type of fortune-telling, and secondly, by the fact that Tarot assumes carefully traced plots for all cards of the deck, which greatly facilitates understanding and gives food to the imagination.

Step 3

There are several ways to study the Tarot system. First, you can enroll in one of the many courses; secondly, just buy your favorite deck, a guide to it and sort it out yourself; thirdly, you can successfully combine independent research with consulting practicing tarologists and communication on specialized forums. However, in any case, you need to start by purchasing a deck and reading special literature.

Step 4

You can purchase the Tara deck either through one of the specialized online stores, or in a real store focused on occult products. It is important to remember that at the moment there are a huge number of the most diverse Tarot decks and it is very easy for a beginner to get confused among this variety. Therefore, for initial experiments, it is better to purchase a Ryder-Waite deck, which is considered a classic base deck. Or, as a last resort, a deck based on the Ryder-Waite system. You should not immediately grab onto such exotic options as V. Sklyarova's Tarot of Shadows, Crowley's deck or Osho-zen-taro. For this, the time will come when, having mastered the basics, you will already be determined with your own preferences and peculiarities of work.

Step 5

It is necessary to start studying the Tarot slowly, in an appropriate balanced mood and with sufficient time. Remember, cards don't like fuss and irreverence. Practicing fortune-tellers strongly discourage studying cards in a painful, upset state, or, even more so, in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Step 6

It is best to start acquaintance with the deck with a simple examination of the cards, understanding the plots of the drawings, tracking your feelings in the process. It is useful to keep a diary in which all your feelings and experiences will be recorded when you get acquainted with this or that card. Subsequently, this will greatly help form your own interpretation of the Tarot symbols. Having examined the entire deck properly, you can proceed to reading the accompanying booklet and get acquainted with the proposed interpretations of the images. No need to try to immediately memorize the entire interpretation of the arcana with a strong-willed effort! Knowledge and understanding will come on their own with time, there is no need to rush it.

Step 7

Having become familiar with all the cards in the deck, you can proceed to the study of the layouts. Layout diagrams and ways of interpreting them can be found both in the relevant literature and on the Internet. Over time, you will learn how to easily select the correct alignment for the problem being analyzed or, if necessary, make your own.