How To Build A Submarine Yourself

How To Build A Submarine Yourself
How To Build A Submarine Yourself

Table of contents:


The experience of shipbuilding comes with time, because it is not for nothing that they say that "it is not the gods who burn pots." That is why, in order to be able to create huge liners or submarines in the future, you must first learn how to build their miniature copies. Isn't it a submarine?

How to build a submarine yourself
How to build a submarine yourself

It is necessary

Soldering iron, epoxy glue, needle fairing, paper rings, propeller shaft with a diameter of 5 centimeters, wire, tube, hook, file, polystyrene, paper, cardboard, tin, drill, nitro enamel, rubber motor


Step 1

Glue one paper ring at a time into the fairing needle bar. This should be done so that the outer part protrudes by about 2-3 centimeters.

Step 2

Pass the completed structure through the nose cone of the tube, which is designed to create the axis of the horizontal nose rudders.

Step 3

For the aft fairing, make a stern tube.

Step 4

Fill the inside of the fairing cones with epoxy adhesive. Let it harden, so that the paper fairings and rings will turn into monolithic products.

Step 5

Insert a hook into the nose cone designed to secure the rubber motor. This must be done before the epoxy glue is fully set.

Step 6

Pass the wire propeller shaft through the stern tube. Put a bead-bearing on top of it. Then solder the propeller shaft.

Step 7

Saw vertical and horizontal handlebars out of polystyrene, file them and glue them to the rear and front edges.

Step 8

Wrap several layers of paper tightly around the cylindrical fairings.

Step 9

Cut the deckhouse and deck out of cardboard and glue them together. Cut out the wheel rudders from the tin, as well as horizontal rudders. Then make antennas and periscopes: use a wire for this.

Step 10

Place the wheelhouse on the deck, and then glue the deck itself to the hull. After that, drill a hole in the body of the product through which air will escape when the submarine is submerged.

Step 11

Paint all parts with nitro enamel. While all the elements are dry, solder the horizontal rudders to the piece of wire that goes through the tube.

Step 12

Put the rubber motor on both hooks (for this you need to insert the fairings into the tube-body), and then lower the product into the water.

Step 13

Start the rubber motor. To do this, you need a wire hook, which is fixed in the cartridge: with its help, you need to remove the nose cone, and then the rubber motor itself will start.
