Numerical combinations surround and accompany a person throughout his life. When guessing on numbers, not only the date of birth is used. House and apartment numbers, numbers in the phone number and numbers in the passport also carry individual information about the owner.

History of numerology
The ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras deduced a theory about the influence of numbers on the fate of a person. By combining the discoveries of arithmetic, geometry and astrology, Pythagoras created the doctrine of the influence of numbers.
The first school of numerology, created by Pythagoras, studied the vibrations and characteristics of each individual number and the influence of the number code on the development of events and the fate of a person.
The followers of the cult of Kabbalah became the followers of the teachings of the ancient Greek mathematician. In many secret societies in Europe, predictions were practiced based on the Pythagorean method.
Numerology basics
The key action of numerology is to convert large numbers to elementary ones by adding. The counting is carried out until a prime number from 1 to 9 is obtained. Exceptions are the numbers 11 and 22. These combinations are considered the sign of the Teacher and are considered separately.
Calculating the digital code of the first or last name is somewhat more difficult. There are several tables of the ratio of letters and numbers: the ancient Greek alphabet and the modern one.
In the Russian-language version of the table, the letters are numbered in alphabetical order from 1 to 9. Only the number of the person's full name is taken into account.
Practical application of numerology
The fate code of a person is determined by adding all the numbers in the date of birth. The resulting figure will tell about the highest destiny of a person and about his life "program".
By adding the digital codes of the name, surname and patronymic, they receive the person's identity code. This code contains information about the future of the owner, it should be taken into account when calculating compatibility with another person.
Having determined the numeric address code by adding the street name and house and apartment numbers, you can determine the energy of the place of residence. If you find a clear dissonance between the housing code and the personality code, it may be worth considering moving.
The sum of the dates of birth of a man and a woman will tell about compatibility in the love sphere. The higher the number obtained, the higher the likelihood of a happy union. Numerology will also help in determining the optimal day for marriage.
The main document of an adult is a passport. The code of the person's social life is hidden in the ID number. By calculating the sum of the document's figures, it is easy to predict the development of the owner's social life.
Fortune-telling is also used to make predictions for a certain time. Adding the day and month of birth of a person to the sum of the numbers of the coming year, they receive a personal code of the year. Taking into account the meaning of the year figure, you can avoid many troubles and make the right decision in significant situations.